If he gets off on some technicality or is given a non custodial age due to age or the pleas of the victim or even the terms of the original plea bargain than so be it. There, he gave her champagne and, according to her, quaaludes. Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne Once again, shame on all who signed this petition and feel Polanski shouldnt be punished! Readers, acquaintances and even friends couldnt tell me enough how wrong Id got it. There is no one who is so talented that deserve to walk from something like this (and hes been walking for 30 years). Giuseppe Tornatore "I wore one to DGA," he told Metro. By his cowardice and lack of morality he has kept the case and the pain of his victim alive all this time. but this summer,when right when i turned 14 i gave in and had sex with a 27 year old man. The student's petition, entitled: "Drop the petition for Roman Polanski's release", was launched last week, and has over 400 signatures. Luc Barnier Many 13 year olds - boys and girls- have sex and very often with those older than them. Judge Laurence Rittenband, who was thought to be considering sentencing Polanski to 50 years in prison. Hes an animal because of what he did to a child; hes a coward because he didnt take his punishment like a man with character. What happened to the feminists?, Wow, Laslavic- you are one classy guy!(/sarcasm). i was somewhat sexually active at that time but still a virgin. Reactions to Weinstein come soundtracked with the distinct sound of bandwagon-jumping; thanks to the #MeToo campaign, the public mood is firmly on the side of listening to victims, and Hollywood has keenly followed suit. Samantha has said that the trauma she has experienced in the past few decades has had a greater impact on her than the original crime, one said to me, which is doubtless true. Is this a world gone mad!!! If only the same were true of politicians, the military, the justice establishment, and the multibillionaire elite. Film-makers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary film-makers, is used by police to apprehend him., Related Guillaume Stirn By now, celebrities were falling over themselves to defend Polanski. 17 HBO and HBO Max Original Series to Get Excited About in 2023. Gabriel Auer I dont know what the rationals might be for those who seek his pardoning, be it moral ambiguity, sycophancy, going along with what they see as hip or simply the belief that the group they belong to is somehow superior and has a right to use common people for their own amusement, but it would be a mistake to give the law a pass to accommodate this utterly reprehensible man. I express my deepest respect to those who were brave enough to sign the petition and withstand the blood-seeking mob. Even the girl now a woman who accused Polanski of rape says the case should be dropped. Nelly Kaplan Claude Miller Michael Mann, Tilda Swinton, Vangelis, Christophe Barratier, Lynch, Scorsese, Allen, Louis Garrel, Ludivine, the divine Jeanne Moreau. Polanski raped a 13 year old girl and skipped out on the sentencing he should rot in jail for a long time. Asia Argento - The crew of Polanskis latest film, Ghost When the Harvey Weinstein story broke last October, the reaction among the movie industry was wide-eyed shock that someone so many of them knew and worked with could be a rapist. Jetter Roman Polanski aux lions malgr les arguments legaux, cela prendra des proportions de plus en plus exagers. Jean-Jacques Beineix The Mexican director received criticism after he chose not to wear a Time's Up badge to the BAFTAs. Martin Scorcese Polanskis autobiography was written seven years after his arrest, and his account of the crime does not smack of a man overly burdened with feelings of guilt. A pedophile. I start by emailing Zenovich to ask if she feels attitudes towards Polanski have changed since she made her movie and its follow-up, Roman Polanski: Odd Man Out, about the Zurich arrest. Petition for Roman Polanski. Bertrand Tavernier In 2016, when promoting recent film Julieta, Almodovar criticized the limited parts conventionally written for women. When Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in 2009, where he was jailed for two months and then put under house arrest (the house, in this case, being a chalet in the Alps), Debra Winger claimed the whole art world suffers. . By their extraterritorial nature, film festivals the world over have always permitted works to be shown and for filmmakers to present them freely and safely, even when certain States opposed this. Patrice Leconte Radovan Tadic Under 1192.5 of the Penal Code that the approval of the Court to the plea is not binding to the Court.. (that the court may change the terms upon further review) How do you plead to this felony? Christophe Barratier To me, child abuse is the where I will absolutely put my line in the sand. I am sure his methods may have changed but sex offenders rarely offend just once. If he's lucky.". It makes me sad to know so many people who I look up to in the field of the arts are supporters of rape. While researching this article I had a couple of off-the-record discussions with actors and film-makers about their true feelings about Polanski. Roman Polanski is an ADMITTED child rapist. These included Harrison Ford,. I think the Times Up initiative is wonderful: Ive donated to it because I believe it will make a difference. Cruz additionally attended the Golden Globes ceremony last month in a black lace gown to show support for the Times Up initiative. Walter Salles It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary filmmakers, is used by the police to apprehend him. Darren Aronofsky Great.. ", A designer's vision of the future involves robots that care for us in our final moments. Jean-Loup Hubert Only one person who signed the petition agrees to speak on the record: the actor Asia Argento, who has since accused Weinstein of abusing her. Dominique Crevecoeur In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor and fled the US rather than face jail time. The fact that Switzerland is a neutral country does not make it a lawless country. "We talked for 15 minutes and by the end she [Thompson] said she would get her name removed. That does not change that he committed statutory rape against a 13 year old, drugged her, and fled the country. In 2018, Argento apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. 4. If this was some normal guy from the streets of Chicago you would all be calling for his head. No excuses. Pedro Almodovar Gailey sensed something different. so dont free him :), First off Mr. Polanski did not rape anyone. Thompson claims to have signed the petition, but later asked for her name to be removed. I didnt know. To not face your own actions but run away when you dont like the consequences. Sigourney Weaver with Polanski at the 2008 Marrakech film festival. 20052023 Mashable, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. I sympathize with Ms. Gaileys feelings, however, this man should not be free to victimize other children. Everyone signing this list should be ashamed of themselves. Strip polanski of his resume and he is a man. I know it wont matter one iota to many of you, which is fine, but I am one person who will do her best to avoid any of your work. Socially conscious & political cinema. Protecting one of its own, even one who has openly admitted to carrying out such despicable acts. None of my business. People keep affirming that Polanski did this and did that as if they were there at the time. Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. This will not be a problem to keep up I will soon be very familiar with the names on the list, Ill just cross-check any movie I think about renting or seeing in the theater. Just ask her. So I decided to ask them how they felt about Polanski now. My level of disgust at the people who express disgust at the signatories of the Polanski petitioni and then go off sounding more deranged and more dangerous than Polanski could ever be is too strong for me to express in mere words. 1994 Actor Death And The Maiden Roman Polanski Fine Line Features 8X10 Photo. Jerry Schatzberg That does not make what he did any better. Too icky, I suppose to add the details of your purported heros heinous crime. A 13-year-old cannot give consent to have sex with an adult male. The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. Souleymane Cisse It was a long time ago was another one, as was: Hes served his time. (In 2009, the expert legal affairs writer, Jeffrey Toobin, reported that at that time the prison sentence for an adult defendant who pleaded guilty to statutory rape was likely to be three years in a state prison.) Vangelis, By trying to send Roman Polanski to the lions despite all the legal arguments, is something that unfortunately gets and will get more and more out of proportion. The criminal case should be settled without any jail time. His arrest follows an American arrest warrant dating from 1978 against the filmmaker, in a case of morals. Will this effect them? At this point, they wont be helping to heal the situation, nor will they vindicate this womans suffering at his hands. Michael Mann I hope the tide is finally turning.. And please dont take the whole But but hes so charming and he gives to charity! defense. By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists. Again, some ignore me, a couple will talk off the record, some are too busy to talk at all. Christian Carion From what is known about the criminal proceedings, it seems the judge was basking in the limelight and behaved outragously thus the entire case should be tossed. I ask why she signed the petition in the first place. I know that before today, when Roman Polanski had only pleaded guilty to raping that 13-year-old girl in 1979, and been accused of raping that 16-year-old girl in 1986, it was like, Big deal . He never admited to raping anyone. The Best True Crime Streaming Now, from 'Unsolved Mysteries' to 'McMillions' to 'The Staircase' I foolishly went along. So, I helped Polanski rape someone because Ive watched Chinatown about a dozen times. Some people on other blogs Ive read suggested to separate the person from his work since many artist have personalities or values that arent charming. Actor Scott Caan, the son of the late actor James Caan, has filed a petition to manage his father's estate in new court documents obtained by The Blast. Probably not but I will feel good about myself. Mashable is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a . I just went through my Netflix queue and carefully combed out all movies affiliated with any of these people. Stuck on 'Quordle' #403? if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Is Father Polanski any different? Free shipping for many products! Please somebody start a petition against Roman Polanski and the rest of his kin. W. and others have committed terrible crimes and gone unpunished. He drugged, anally raped, performed unwanted oral sex and vaginally raped a THIRTEEN year old GIRL a CHILD. But I was, it turned out, grossly out of step with the times. Let him go in front of the courts in the US. It was not just statutory rape, it was rape-rape because she said no! Sexual abuse is a crime, it lies with all of us to listen to the smallest of voices. Yes, if only there had been some way Winslet could have known about these decades-old cases before signing on to work with two directors accused of sex crimes! Sure, admire his work. We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a film festival where he was due to receive an award for his career in filmmaking. Filmmakers, actors, producers and technicians everyone involved in international filmmaking want him to know that he has their support and friendship. Given Portman's active involvement in the Time's Up movement, her signing of the petition came from a misplaced sense of empathy. 8 8 Most Beautiful French Actresses . He raped a child! They trotted out the familiar defences: the Holocaust and Sharon Tate, of course. And I think we live in a post-Hamilton world where we don't even need to think about what's authentic to the character, like faithful to the character," Portman said. He declared himself above the law and thumbed his nose at the victim and her family.You can, in your right mind support him? When Polanski was arrested in Zurich in 2009 in a failed attempt by the US to extradite him, more than 100 celebrities signed a petition demanding his release. After Thompson initially signed the petition, Caitlin Hayward-Tappa student at Exeter Universitychallenged the actress about her support for Polanski. How else will they have their entertainment? Watch what happened next. He was the younger brother of actress and activist Jane Fonda and the father of actress Bridget Fonda. Just Jaeckin In perfect French she lauded the Franco-American friendship and recommended the development of cultural relations between our two countries. Jean-Charles Tacchella The judge in Polanskis case acted like a common crook. . Diane Kurys He should have been prosecuted as well, even if no teenagers were involved in his misdeeds. But if I ever see him, I will spit in his face. Claude Lanzmann Also to send out the right signal to society. - lARP The only difference is weve come to our senses while they havent! Alain Terzian That type of self-righteousness is sickening and even more dangerous than what Polanski did because it affects society as a whole, whether the issue is rape or anything else. Woody Allen This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom. - lAPI (Association des producteurs Indpendants) (Association of Independent Producers) Jean-Paul Rappeneau (They didnt). You may also click on the Accept button on the right to make this notice disappear. If only anyone had known about Weinstein they would never never! I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. Petition for Roman Polanski. Giuseppe Bertolucci Ask any rape victim and we will tell you that we would give anything if the rapist had been prosecuted and locked up forever before we were victimized by them! have worked with him, movie insiders say. One would think that these filmmakers have enough money to hire a proper lawyer to draft their petition, if they were serious about it. In September 2009, Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police on a warrant for his 1977 sexual-abuse case. An earlier version said that three more allegations emerged against Polanski last year. Classic movies. She has also remained silent on the #MeToo and Times Up campaigns. I will never ever spend another cent on anything you folks are in, or have participated in or come even close to being involved in. My eyes were not open," she said. Hes an old man now and probably wont be causing much more trouble so I dont know how much in the way of resources we should spend trying to extradite him so that he can spend his dotage in one of our nicer minimum security prisons . Thats why even though there are many other bad things in the world, this one IS important. Sandra Nicolier The following is the SACD petition, followed by a list of names of people who had signed it as of tonight. Moreover, more allegations have been made against him: in 2010, British actor Charlotte Lewis said Polanski abused her in 1983 when she was 16. For a long time, the simple and somewhat simplistic - divide was that while people in mainland Europe viewed Polanski as a tragic artist undone by US prurience and corruption, Americans saw him, as he put it in his autobiography, as an evil, profligate dwarf. Jacques Bral More important than the DA, his flight from the US or his abominable behavior is the FACT that the young lady in question would like this to finished forever. Its remarkable how much energy Polanskis supporters have expended defending him, given that the director himself has always been extremely clear about why he did what he did: he is sexually attracted to young girls, and he has never seen this as a problem. Some dont reply at all, despite repeated approaches. He blamed jet lag. etc. Michael A. Russ Erika Abrams, Fatih Akin, Yves Alberty, Stephane Allagnon, Woody Allen, Pedro Almodvar, Gianni Amelio, Greta Amend, Wes Anderson, Michel Andrieu, Roger Andrieux, Pascale Angelini, Yannick Angelloznicoud Jean-Jacques Annaud, Tomas Arana, Frdric Aranzueque-Arrieta, Alexandre Arcady, Fanny Ardant, Asia Argento, Marie-Hlne Arnau, We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). Unfortunately, he passed [] Laurence Roulet What is the big deal about the Reverend Polanski? A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. Polanskis own attitude has remained bullish; in October last year he gave an interview in which he focused his ire on the judges who let him down. Any improper actions of the court in this case were long ago exposed and could be addressed at trial. The talent of Roman Polanski is not questioned. Raphael Rebibo Patrick Braoud He & his friends will be able to afford the best lawyers. Olivier Assayas But then again, the judge apparently liked some very young women as well. Mr. Polanksi should have long since addressed the matter. Well, so do I. Natalie Portman. I dont know if you are really helping his case, Woody. Scott Foundas Anyone whose name is on this petition, is supporting an admitted (he did admit it) rapist/child molester. so roman polanski is sayong it was consensual,and i have no reason to disbeleive him.no one was there,to know the exact facts. Not real rape? Some think that sex with a child is a crime not just against the child, but against society. Yes other people get away with this. Furthermore, plea bargains are totally up to the judge, if he felt the deal was too lenient than he was perfectly in his legal right to not honor the deal. The judge went back on his word because he was afriad of public opinion like yours. Jarre, actually, he pretty much did admit to raping her. You know how many children have been blown to pieces in Iraq as a result of allied bombings? I certainly wouldnt allow any of you to get near my daughter. Philippe Radault Admitted to the crime and fled the country. AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested. Believe it or not, I believe that you and I agree. It will not be difficult to boycott most of the names on this list as it appears 90% of them are from France and are friends of the scumbag and amongst the more memorable supporters is woody allen, recognizable from his own torrid past. means nothing. Why should he be treated any differently from other members of the clergy? He should not have to go on trial again for a 30 year old statutory rape, but should have to answer to the flight. 1. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will support Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. Over the past few days I've been watching the Roman Polanski story unfold. I cant wait to get out of this f**ed up town. I mean, Ted Bundy oh. Wim Wenders. Stuck on 'Quordle' #401? But Gailey became so frightened by the attention the case attracted, because of Polanskis fame, she tried to withdraw from it entirely. and seeing people in the comments try to defend him as well by saying the girl was mature for her age? In 2018, Dolan apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. Tom Tykwer On March 10, 1977, then-43-year-old film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with six offenses against Samantha Gailey (now Geimer), [2] a then-13-year-old girl [3] - unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, a lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a Andre Buytaers Fonda made his professional. Any notion that because a person puts up a huge bail, s/he definitely will not flee is an utter fallacy, whether or not in view of past conduct. Despite the ongoing campaign to highlight abuse and misconduct in the film business and other industries, Polanski remains venerated in Hollywood as one of the leading auteurs of his generation. Even at 13, a child does not have Perhaps we can send the children of the signatories of this petition over to Roman so he can drug and sodomize them, as Im sure this whole unfortunate arrest business has him very stressed, and clearly in the opinion of the aforementioned signatories, such a genius deserves to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Someone I respected gave it to me, and said, 'I signed this. THANK YOU FOR STANDING UP TO THEM. I plan to try very hard to never see any work done by anyone who signed this petition. Well, eight years is a long time in sexual mores. I understand that there seems to have been a biased judge in the original case. I will spread this list to every friend I have, and post it on Facebook and many other social sites. US-French relations have nothing to do with Polanski drugging and raping a child. What purpose does it serve to lock up Mr. Polanski when the prison space could be used to protect the public from violent offenders? Liria Begeja actually, it is the people who think that someone who is a famous white male should get away with this that concerns me. said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. Do you have kids??? I too have loved many of his films, and consider him a great artist - but that doesnt excuse his crime. Drugging a girl, disregarding her repeated No, her faking an asthma attack to get him to stop is not real rape? The issue is effective consent not whether you like or dislike someones sexual preference or activity. David Lynch Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #623. Whatever transgressions the judge may have committed are irrelevant next to the drugging and repeated anal raping of a child. And I propose a boycott of all those individuals (and their businesses) who supported the illegal and murderous war in Iraq.. Lets show we really care about children! Why, however, any of you think that this somehow excuses the fact that the man drugged and raped a child is beyond me. Mario Martone im ashamed and sickened. Natalie Portman admitted that she made a mistake when she signed a petition to release Roman Polanski from Swiss custody in 2009 after he was . He never even apologized to the woman. And I still have a good lot of movies to see. We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski, urges the petition. After all, when he was told he was being arrested for rape he was genuinely shocked: I was incredulous; I couldnt equate what had happened the day before with rape in any form, he writes in his autobiography. This is a real asteroid-kicking movie. Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. Unfortunately, your misogynist ramblings likely lead most women (people) to avoid you, so you wouldnt know. Defending Polanski in the face of his full admission of drugging and raping a 13 year-old, fleeing charges because he thought he was too important to face the consequences of his actions, boasting to Martin Amis that EVERYONE wants to F*** little girls! and complaining how HE is the victim (in true sociopathic form) by not being able to work in Hollywood for 30 years, while never ONCE saying that what he did was unfathomably wrong, has nothing of importance to say about humanity. Given. never mind. He engaged in non-consenting sex acts with a child. Will you too?' Where does the quest for boycott end? when i was 13 started having desires for older men,anywhere up to their 40s.it became my prefrence since then.i never actually had sex with someone above that age,it was just sort of a forbidden fantasy to me.im was 13,not 5,so i knew better then to act on it,as much as some adults say teenagers dont know better yeah,they do. Amongst them were a swathe of high-profile names, including Woody Allen, David Lynch, Martin Scorsese, Tilda Swinton, Darren Aronofsky, Monica Bellucci, Asia Argento and Wes Anderson. Thanks to the candour of Polanski, the rest of us have always known, too including everyone in the film industry who has worked with him since. Rosalinde et Michel Deville He fled the country to France before he could be properly sentenced. It was stupid To take a childhood from a person is the worst thing there is. We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to a 2009 petition in support of Roman Polanski, to ask them whether they regretted their endorsement of the convicted abuser. His comments on the subject indicate no remorse and in fact seem to indicate a perverse (of course) pride in his engaging in satisfying his twisted appetites. Oscars 2023: Best Picture Predictions Can any of you remember what you were like at 13? Its despicable that some Hollywood stars would rather support a pedophile then uphold a serious charge such as rape of an underage girl. i just cant comprehend how you can just so willingly run to the aid of a man who raped a child. The girl said no many times. Seems strange that people on this board try to make some justification for Polanski out of bad things going unpunished elsewhere. She has forgiven him. Michael Mann Producer | The Insider But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. Michel Ocelot Jean-Jacques Annaud I dont tacitly approve of rape, said Meryl Streep. Or else every case involving Stockholm Syndrome would never be tried. The roles are out there for someone like Meryl Streep, but theyre not out there for the others.. Jean-Marc Ghanassia Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Jeremy Irons, Harrison Ford, Guillermo Del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Natalie Portman, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Terry Gilliam, Tilda Swinton, Adrien Brody, Johnny Depp, Sam Mendes, Neil Jordan, Steven Soderbergh, Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Mann and Mike Nichols The full list is here At the end of the day Polanski fled not because of a legal transgression on the part of the California justice system but because he thinks hes above the law and does not have to answer to a code of ethics that conflicts with his selfish and perverse tastes. I was looking for the petition to sign, but heres my comment: LEAVE THE POOR GUY ALONE. Richard Pena The bottom line is that in this country we face justice. A woman known only as Robin M reads her statement claiming Polanski sexually victimized her. Polanski has not served his time and now he is guilty of evading justice. the victims opinion, in case of Stockholm syndrome or whatever. The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. The whole world will be so much safer if Polanski ends his days behind bars. Hiding under the same moldy rock they hid under during the OJ trial? I know I was thinking about sex pretty much 90% of the time. I find it hard to believe that you would find it an acceptable excuse if it was your child who was sodomized. But like so many narcissistic and selfish Americans, a crime is only a crime when it happens to YOU, screw everyone else. Gilles Behat Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese today added their names to a petition demanding the immediate release of Roman Polanski from detention in Zurich. Sari, to quote you: If Polanski had killed the girl instead of raping her, the whole matter would have been forgotten long ago, In what world would murder be forgotten? - lUnion des producteurs de films A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. Accept Read More. A few will only talk off the record. Just as astonishing is Sharon Tates sister - a supposed victims advocate saying Polanski is a lovely man and should be free. Cher Roman tu as mon support total. That is even ignoring the evidence that his victim gave to the grand jury that he got her alone under the pretense of taking her photo (for Vanity Fair I think), gave her alcohol and drugs and when she said no to him even after all that he went ahead and raped her orally, vaginally and anally.
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