With an interactive map that combines statistics with the thoughts and ideas of people living through this difficult period, students will consider the ways in which efforts at recovery were either successful or disappointing. It forbade any state to deny any citizen the right to vote because of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude", Northerners who went south in search for profits; Southners who supported the Republican governments in the South. Saliency maps reveal directly how much a change in each input pixel would affect reconstruction loss, while each pixel's reconstruction error may be attributed to many input pixels when layers are fully connected. hWO0Gx`*Bi1 `ZS"%;;NS5J;|@@hHx4&"A $ #p H}AxChDGOB(9S,vcs:JI]V]WywIO{{AS !^}8;]:yNc0v*4Xqa`p k5 z2 9&+cr'~ IOV~=GHB:'*kXa=9r^baYz/1ag7F:,Ww AF;{zVV5S-l/"NZ|'Ol,U#dmCUGe^eE?Ze\mLFMeSZ`E#`jcj~Qm|V$vN81t~~b2[_\$#'b*$]t# it was now all white corruption so did not attract as much attention. Grant won the 1868 presidential election by a landslide in the Electoral College, but only won the popular vote by 300,000 ballots. What was Johnson's plan for Reconstruction? Both African Americans and whites were part of the carpetbagger migration. Federal troops were removed from the Southern states and the Democratic majority was entrusted to protect and enforce the rights of African Americans. Another useful resource is the Educator Resourcesof the National Archives, which features a set of Document Analysis Worksheets. What tactics were used? B 9. Who did the Fifteenth Amendment formally grant the right to vote in 1870? Why was the former Confederacy divided into military districts by the federal government? a form of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land, formally known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, was established in 1865 by Congress to help millions of former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War. E&GvBQ"RYP F2;~}i,v K_)DR zdh[_/P&ME *8-pmw(j7Qjcmj9~::$x}v8@;aZwO,qo Booth, a stage actor, had ties to the Confederate cause. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Removing #book# follow the worksheet and think about how this person would feel about Reconstruction. HUj@}WDn! What did the 15th Amendment accomplish ? Radical Republicans thought it was letting the South off too easily. Reconstruction was successful in helping to reunite a divided country. endstream endobj 419 0 obj <>stream Who did southern voters elect to office under the terms of presidential reconstruction? The states could enter the Union if they promised they would ratify the Fourteenth Amendment within five years. Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States, by Bannister, Cowan & Company, Group E: Excerpt from Albert T. Morgan, Yazoo, Or, On the Picket Line of Freedom, 1881. The Freedmen's Bureau was designed to help blacks and poor whites by providing cloths, food, and education. The amendment also denies to anyone who had participated in rebellion against the United States or had given aid and comfort to those in rebellion the right to hold any national or state office, an exclusion intended to undercut Johnson's pardon policy and protect the rights of blacks, particularly those of former slaves and particularly their right to vote. At the end of the day, what did it mean to be an American, and whose rights were deserving of the full protection of the U.S. government? They came from a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from highly-educated professionals to former Civil War soldiers. Also, this page requires javascript. They had to have enough money to pay poll tax and had to pass a literacy test. In this activity, students will be asked to imagine that they are research assistants gathering evidence for a prominent historian (the teacher) during the years following Reconstruction. What was the congressional response? During Reconstruction, Johnson did not believe there was anything to be gained by promoting equal rights for African Americans. While some historians see Reconstruction as both success and failure, Foner takes an unequivocal stance that Reconstruction was not at all successful. He cites several reasons in support of his opinion economic and political, as well as social. While one document cannot speak to the effects of the war on an entire group, it will give students an insight into what may have represented a common experience and reaction to Reconstruction policy. answer choices Time period after the Civil War Attempt to rebuild and reunite the North and South When 3 new amendments to the Constitution were passed All of the above! Based on the documents reviewed in this lesson, list some of the leading and competing political interests in the South as Reconstruction was drawing to a close. f[=v5GS!Q"+x ml\8fzp +l~xZ0&>@U 8!.VUY[ ~A>}et!F2zfJ(9)29v^A4bk`=Nv^OhGEypb6u;Cj=:Ywq1wb)t+BlL;b[n[QO[*+*+!U$w q'YA*O$_gk.0 l4 Gave blacks curfews and did not allow them to carry guns. >YpVE$r#]Y@ -7}bKfl[83 The Tenure of Office Act required the president to obtain approval from the Senate to remove any officeholder that the Senate had confirmed. What was the purpose behind the Black Codes? Print out all material from the Text Documents, and make the appropriate number of copies for the students. Many Native American tribes were stripped of their lands, moved onto reservations, forced into an assimilation program not of their choosing, and in some cases massacred by settlers and/or the U.S. Army. 75RockiCr ? The end of the war brought with it much devastation and, of course, those who knew how to turn devastation into opportunity. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendment were created during the twelve years of rebuilding the country. In parallel, the "Lost Cause" narrative of the Civil War argued that the Confederacy had been justified in its effort to secede from the Union and that Reconstruction had been a mistake. Lincoln vetoed this bill, setting the stage for a compromise on the issue of Reconstruction. endstream endobj 418 0 obj <>stream `cw]}{(ugeFo, +mKk.]{g~S^NWs0znS`~Zm%,Kw~vBY5_oLx|? On September 111, 193919391939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. He believed that there would be no benefit to punishing southern states. President Grant undoubtedly played a important role in what was the country's first civil rights movement in some ways, but Reconstruction had its shortcomings. However, what gains were made in the realm of civil rights were under assault by the time Grant died and almost completely destroyed by the turn of the century. Segregation laws were legal in former Confederate states only. _Rd~HYzA?NMDDJHojx,zZ gk3pi:A2!I,8X^78ZrT]RruNx6 The effects of the Civil War and of Reconstructionparticularly in the Southcontinue to shape and to be a contentious subject in our politics today. Connect to Life Which speaker's view of love appeals more to you? Who was the Republican candidate in the election of 1868? HUMO@W o%T@EBQ6P}wwIJ/$7~\]1U 7d9c$y_M)8L%D/*rTPg2QL(Ies>U,;1Q8U#91 EbS Lincoln "pocket-vetoed" this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned. It abolished slavery in the United States. endstream endobj 119 0 obj <>stream e17bZVXrKW@]snp/bAb Ff# 4} GoBEeNoh,:XDlU@? 1&f<6a&wX5:(mIt%`}o"0`PVi>r#7e^2F+Y{\p^W (Ge,YAjB%f~&L uG0Bqw4$VFF[RN ;J_:;`' What problems were faced by the freed slaves? Who were the Exodusters? This lesson plan will explore the social, economic and political conditions of the United States as Reconstruction drew to a close in the years leading up to the Compromise of 1877. It required former Confederate states to include a ban on slavery in their state constitutions. Exclusion of the last group reflected Johnson's hatred of the planter aristocracy rather than some condition that had to do with restoring the former Confederate states. D. H. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carolina, Excerpt from Carl Schurz, speech in the Senate, Rutherford B. Hayes, letter of acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, Excerpt from the testimony of Henry Blake, 1937. 0 Lincolns view, while prudent, was not extremely popular. Worked a piece of land for a fixed share of the crop. Why did white southerners move to take the vote away from blacks at the end of the century? Explain your choice. Why did Republicans retreat from their commitment to black voting and civil rights? Booth assassinated President Lincoln on April 14, 1865 during the performance of a play in Washington, D.C.s Fords Theater. How did the WadeDavis Bill deal with the issues of Reconstruction? Group A: Excerpts from the testimony of Maddie Curtis from Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, 1937, Group B: Excerpt from Rev. Given sentence below refers to a numbered sentence in the passage. Johnson and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton were bitter enemies, and the president wanted to get rid of him. The Learning Page at the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress includes a set of activities to develop primary document skills. Women's groups withdrew support to work on woman's suffrage. hb```c``e`f`xb,@($yQAI &l&a81r``Hs20A4 dUf ` Adoption of the amendment was an issue in the 1866 congressional elections, but the president's campaign against it did not work. Congress was divided among Radical, Moderate, and Conservative Republicans and Democrats. What limited African American freedom during Reconstruction? Which plan was the hardest on the South? Who was one of the first black representatives in the Georgia Assembly? What did Johnson advise the southern states to do about the 14th amendment? Johnson deliberately removed himself from the decisions involving Reconstruction. A monumental tomb in New York City was constructed in his honor as a result of what was the largest public fundraising campaign in history up to that time. For the most part, women were unsuccessful in their own fight for voting rights. It was signed into law by President Andrew Johnson. It required that 50 percent of a state's voters take the oath of allegiance and demanded stronger safeguards for emancipation than Lincoln's as the price of readmission. (113M Turn in their completed worksheets from Activities 1 and 2 for a grade. they became caught up in debt. This narrative was promoted by former Confederates, academics, and politicians alike and served to falsely provide an underlying ideology to justify denying equal rights. In this sense Reconstruction failed not because of President Grant or even because of southern opposition to civil rights, but because an entire nation--North, South, and West--lost the political and moral will to support the cause of equality before the law. How did whites regain political control in the south? In early 1866, Congressional Republicans, appalled by mass killing of ex-slaves and adoption of restrictive black codes, seized control of Reconstruction from President Johnson. WebEvaluating Reconstruction Directions: Watch Crash Course #22 and use your Reconstruction Notes to answer the questions below. [c5vk~a5T?, P[oFVB-"X7/S{+} 2b(RG,}ti\ It was known as the 10% Plan. Why of why not? Henry McNeal Turner was the first African American elected to the Georgia General Assembly. State conventions, elected by universal male suffrage, were to draw up new constitutions, which had to give blacks the right to vote and had to be approved by Congress. WebReconstruction Question 6 900 seconds Q. How did the stereotype of carpetbaggers compare with the reality? The objective is to show the students how the combination of facts, opinions, statistics, and pictures can broaden their understanding of a subject. Identify specific problems that may have emerged as a result of Reconstruction policy in its many and varied permutations. Grant was nearly universally revered by the time of his death in 1885. corruption did not come to an end. What were the problems faced by the south after the Civil War? Atticus G. Haygood (then President of Emory University), Our Brother in Black: His Freedom and Our Future, 1881, William Robert Houghton, Two Boys in the Civil War and After, An AutobiographyA Southern Colored Woman, Lesson 1: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Aftermath of War, Lesson 2: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Politics of Reconstruction, The Battle Over Reconstruction: Southern Recovery. The four states did not rejoin the Union until 1870. (southern Democrats). endstream endobj 118 0 obj <>stream To reinstate slavery in parts of the United States, To fix damage done to buildings during the war, To rebuild the southern economy and society. Did black legislatures outnumber whites in any state legislatures? TQSCQIf@*$ the South divided into 5 military districts, Prior to his election Congress had already passed, among other legislative acts: Guaranteed protection for all U.S. citizens, regardless of color, to "to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind." It tested the Constitution and resulted in a compromise that ended Reconstruction in America. By clarifying and expanding the definition of what constituted a United States citizen, the Fourteenth Amendment brought emancipated African Americans into American society and allowed them to take advantage of much-needed legal protections. Powerful families regularly disagree on who should gain control over which resources. answer choices True False Question 19 30 seconds Q. For each group, briefly describe (in one paragraph) the primary motivations and objectives that moved them to action. The long alliance between the women's movement and the abolitionist cause broke, and women struggled on their own for another half century for the right to vote. This helped to shape the national political debate for generations. After 10% of a states voters signed a loyalty oath to the Union and the Constitution and abolished slavery, it could hold elections and vote and would be granted a full pardon and readmitted to the Union. This amendment prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude" (slavery). But how much really changed? In June 1868, Congress determined that Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina had met the requirements, and the states were admitted to the Union. The organization put in place after the Civil War to provide schools in the South was known as: answer choices The Civil Rights Committee Question 3 How did the WadeDavis Bill deal with the issues of Reconstruction? and then to be taken up again in the Civil Rights struggles of the 20th century. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 defined citizenship and affirmed that all citizens are equally protected by the law. Fear of black rule. Which of the following describes the African American experience in the Reconstruction-Era South? Question 11 30 seconds Q. WebThe largest weapons factories were located in the South. Johnson appointed provisional governors and authorized them to set up state conventions, which in turn were charged with declaring secession illegal; repudiating Confederate debts; ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States; and scheduling elections. No. What synonym clue shows up in the next paragraph? The Democratic Party was disbanded and replaced with a new, more liberal version of the Republican Party. The historian (i.e., the teacher) will preside over the presentations and discussions and help the class distill the information gathered so that the class, together, can compose a two-page brief for the historian summarizing the impact of the Reconstruction debate over voting rights on the politics of the nation in 1877. Grant's victory came in large part to nearly 500,000 black voters in the South who overwhelmingly voted for him and the Republican party during the election. The Amnesty Act of 1872 completely flipped the script on Southern politics and halted the progress being made by Reconstruction efforts. What tactic was used? These groups will take on the role of special investigative committees reporting to a Congressional committee examining the effects of Reconstruction. What legal loopholes did Southerners create to resist African American equality? All the of the African American were expelled in 1868 when whites said that the Constitution gave freedmen the right to vote, but never explicitly said they had the right to run for and hold an office because they were once slaves. The Fifteenth Amendment was designed to allow all male citizens the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This was a bold and progressive change to Americas Constitution, however feelings of racism persisted throughout the wounded nation. President Johnson vetoed the Act, but Congress overrode his veto to pass it. WebList the groups in chronological order that ran and controlled the Reconstruction process in the US Government. Johnson versus Congress. View Screenshot 2023-03-01 at 8.13.38 PM.png from SOCIAL STUDIES 58557 at Mt Zion High School. Underline each complement and indicate what kind of complement each one is. Return to slavery in a different way. The teacher will also want to discuss the vernacular and odd spellings that occasionally come through in diary entries and interviews with ordinary citizens and ex-slaves. Who had been his early political supporters? endstream endobj 116 0 obj <>stream kcP`?=xI87eC{+Fj*?ya But in the end, events overpowered the best thinking on both sides of this divide and the impact of these great victories was left to be felt and interpreted by a new generation of Americans. Southern Democrats who packed their bags and fled to the West and North to escape the progressive aims of Radical Reconstruction. Historically, scholars have defined Reconstruction as having lasted from 1865 (the end of the American Civil War) until 1877, when a political compromise between the Republican and Democrat parties allowed for Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become President of the United States on the condition that the last remaining federal troops in the South be removed. 20F_B[G S`F>6~hf( Take sample from your personal experience. It also made it difficult to enforce Republican plans for Reconstruction or the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. for freed slaves. a white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit. 124 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0D0942F02A0E3A4583123BBEFA335B80><310633F8B9553C42B3774455F36DF9D6>]/Index[109 24]/Info 108 0 R/Length 78/Prev 144476/Root 110 0 R/Size 133/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream They were codes or rules created by southerners after the Civil War to restrict the new rights and freedoms of African American in the south. Rather than working with congressmen who might have supported his Reconstruction plan, Johnson alienated potential political allies by vetoing legislation intended to ensure civil rights for African Americans. 414 0 obj <> endobj The teacher may also wish to begin thinking about how the class is to be divided into small groups (3-5 is suggestedbut the teacher should judge the correct size based on the size of the class) as several of the activities in this lesson involve small group work.
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