Good thoughts & research Wayne. So the horse ridden by death - the kloros of death - Revelation 6:8 ." (page 891) The context renders the correct translation. Its the root word for our modern word dime. Amos 8:11 Verse Concepts "Behold, days are coming," declares the Lord God, "When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, Gold will always be too expensive for the working man. Can you imagine the impact on our spending driven society?!! That means our economy is GONE!! This means that a denarius can buy more than 3 choenixes of barley. The ATS is a funding partner of The Conversation US. It is my suggestion that people with an ear to hear should plant gardens and collect old silver dimes. I expect a global currency like you do Im trying to provide a people an idea of how low prices are now relative to where they will be in the future and provide people an idea of how severe the food shortages of the future will be like. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your privacy is valued. You need to have a plan to get away from the cities if you can. Peace, material abundance, good health and the absence of disease would follow. The antichrist, after all, will cut off food supplies from those who do not have the Mark of the Beast ( Revelation 13:16-17 ), and he will kill and persecute many followers of Christ. The potential triggers for famine seem nearly endless. Although there will be a famine for the Word of God at that time, Revelation 6:5-6 is describing a real famine. It is commonly divided in half as 3 days/years, (Daniel 9:24-27; 12; Revelation 11-13). Price for a Choenix of Wheat = 1Value of Denarius. The old American dimes (pre-1964) were also silver and were almost the same amount as a denarius (slightly less silver but close). With both nations being major breadbaskets & oil suppliers to the Middle East this is but a foreshadowing of things to come, specifically the 3rd seal in Rev. The U.S. Dollar is currently the worlds reserve currency so I use U.S. He knew that terrible scenes would occur within the "city of peace." The Hawaii caldera collapse may pose problems. This was testimony to the generosity of the many wealthy nations and the global means of transport that is available. Right now if you took the minimum wage and subtracted basic living needs you would find families living an almost a loaf a bread a day. These terms were used in ancient times to refer to the act of weighing . Anyway good research on this one.ThanksAnn, Your post was interesting and showed some excellent research. Ive studied and written about Bible prophecy since I was a teenager. We really do not worship our God at all. Are Barley Prices Near Third Seal Famine Levels? This according to many theologians as they believe, could be a meteorite. The Cycles are every 100 years or so and two hundred years and the big ones are about every 1000 years, Cycles of Cycles within and alongside. Do you think the decline of the honey bees, or pollinators has anything to do with the food shortages to come, or maybe already here? We hear no more of times of scarcity until the great famine of Egypt, which "was over all the face of the earth." Famine was a constant threat and a very real part of life for the ancient Israelite world that produced the Hebrew Bible. We come now to the third horseman's ride. This is indeed a frightening "woe to the inhabitants of the earth" in a prophecy of the end times (Revelation 8:13b KJV).What Are Locusts in the Bible? A bitter thing as a parent is to watch a child you love more than the air in your lungs make poor choices, be unable to live their life, to kick that drug habit for them. The main stream news is finally admitting that global crops are under producing for many reasons. He is asked to judge between to women who had agreed to . In short, we are going to practically run out of wine and olive oil. Often it is caused by drought, blight, floods and other natural means beyond human control. The ways that the Bible understood and addressed famine, in turn,. Required fields are marked *. I will make you a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. 2007. I believe we can measure if we are seeing or close to seeing third seal famine conditions. Your email address will not be published. But for the sake of a remnant called "the elect," His true followers, "those days will be shortened" (Matthew 24:21-22 Matthew 24:21-22 [21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Come to God in prayer when feeling distressed: Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. The greater part of oil is used as transportation fuel. While naturedrought, floods and insect infestationsis often the cause of famine, quite often war and misrule, as well as malignant political or religious ideology, are prime factors. Revelation 18:8, NLT: Therefore, these plagues will overtake her in a single day--death and mourning and famine. The impact on food would be astronomical! I believe Revelation 6:6 tells us that a denarius will only be worth enough to buy a choenix of wheat or three choenixes of barley during the third seal famine. Revelation 6:8 KJ21 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. I thought that was interesting. Farms were collectivized. The stress and drugs are not good for your body. For Africa as a whole, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declared in March that 23 of the continent's 53 countriesalmost halfface dire food shortages. Since the meteor landed in Lake Michigan, or nearby it; what would we do with a lake filled with blood? What the nematodes didnt take out, a severe frost did. 1 silver dime for a quart of wheat (approx). 700. In Revelation 13:5 the same period is mentioned: "He (the beast from the sea) was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months (forty-two months is also 3 years). For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30). This is why Israel, at least, had a wide range of laws intended to protect the stranger. It is the famine of protracted undernourishment, one that weakens the body, making it sickly and short-lived, and crushes the spirit, causing hopelessness and apathy. I am scared Im striving every day Im struggling with homosexuality and drugs in so petrified of whats gonna happen to me. The CDW will equal 1 when we see third seal conditions since the value of a denarius will be the same as the price for a choenix of wheat. Considering Ukraine is considered the Breadbasket of the world and provides 1/3 of the worlds wheat.. -How so you reconcile your prophetic interpretation of Wheat Famine and Cost considering the Russian invasion. Modern agricultural methods and generally stable weather patterns produce bumper crops in the developed world resulting in massive levels of food production, more than enough to feed the hungry of the world. As a result, you could use this study to argue that the opening of the third seal is not near. The Bible The New Testament- Who in Revelation Chapter 6 symbolise Conquest Slaughter Famine and Pestilence? This means that things would have to get a whole lot worse for us to be close to experiencing third seal famine conditions. He wrote denari in greek. They will know death, disease, famine, and many trials. My curiosity about this Revelation prophecy is what caused me to look up articles on this topic. Buy Silver & Gold now while you still cananyone who says its in a bubble has no idea what they are talking about nor do they understand the fundamentals. Some food companies have announced plans to raise prices so it might be wise to buy a little bit more next time before the price increases go into effect. This may all be speculation, or superstition, but it is too hard to deny. However, to kill by the sword is the insignia of the second horsemen as well as famine that is associated with the third horsemen. Throughout the world we hear about famines not only about food, but of the Word of God. Revelation 6 gave us price points to recognize the Third Seal famine. Really makes you think about storing up food for the future.There are so many different opinions out there about that. The choenix at this city was 1.5 liters while the Attic choenix was 1.087 liters. Fractional silver thats easily recognized and trusted among the population. What does this mean? And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes. I tried my best to use data that was aligned with the time Revelation was written. Areas where vineyards and olive groves have been producing for thousands of years will soon be inhospitable to them. Revelation 6:5-8 says that in the final days, the world will be rocked by subsequent famines and plagues. Some who dont know any better may listen to that person and begin to experience unneeded anxiety over it. The Seven Sleepers Of Ephesus. No, this is not the fulfillment of end time prophecy. Ive asked many what they think a days wage is today (written now in July of 2022) and the answers range from $100 to $200/day. 03 Mar 2023 00:18:27 . New Living Translation Therefore, these plagues will overtake her in a single day death and mourning and famine. These figures suggest that we are still not yet close to seeing the type of shortages and prices that will come during the third seal famine. Which domino is first? I do not fully agree with this view. The one thing I strongly agree with you about is the fact that this probably means that wheat will be highly valued. (38) He saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? For a national catastrophe like famine, the sin had to lie either with the entire people, or with the monarchs who represented them. Inflation is a factor, but not a big factor in this analysis because the ratios between silver and wheat and silver and barley reflect relative value. Continuing, He says: "I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will make you afraid; I will rid the land of evil beasts, and the sword will not go through your land For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you" (Leviticus 26:3-9 Leviticus 26:3-9 [3] If you walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; A person reading Revelation 6:5-6 in the first century A.D. would have read that a denarius would buy only enough wheat to make 1.5 to 1.875 1 lbs loaves of bread instead of 25 loaves of bread. The author was probably a Christian from Ephesus known as "John the Elder." . I was 969 years old when I died. The four horsemen come to us from chapter 6 of the prophetic book of Revelation. Many times it is also made up of six . When inflation hits, this verse calculates inflation around %1200, silver will jump to $204 approximately. War makes food scarce, which depletes the body and opens it to more diseases due to compromised immune systems. We are the only thing keeping the world alive. Hamburgers would cost $15! I am the author of several end time books, including Prophecy Proof Insights on the End Times, a comprehensive book about the end times. Exacerbating the major economic impact that threatens to plunge ever more into poverty are overlapping threats from rainfall patterns in east Africa causing floods, landslides and even fostering conditions for the ongoing locust swarms that are devastating the region. After doing the research to write this article, theres no doubt in my mind that these people are correct. The price of food differs in various places around the world in U.S. dollar terms. We will see in our next installment that he rides in tandem with this third horseman. Periodically he has used his threats to gain aid, including food and oil, from the world community. pretty good point. We do not use the denarius as money today, but it still has value. Those that remain open will be under armed guard, private or government, to avoid armed raids! Theres still more events that need to take place before that begins. The full passage he was referencing was Revelation 6:5-8. The CDB will be less than 1 when the value of a denarius is greater than 3 times the price for a choenix of barley. A few Bible versions and some commentators go as far as to say that a loaf of bread will cost a person an entire days worth of wages. . However, because the word is often paired with both of those, it may imply a greater devastation than mere physical disease. Some commentators use this detail to state that Revelation 6:5-6 implies that a dry quart of wheat will cost a person a whole days worth of wages. United Church of Godis a501(c)3organization. American King James Version). The principle of hospitality, still common in the region, ensured that the displaced would be protected. Start with establishing this point: 1 Cor 4:6 I have applied all this to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brethren, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. The standard work day in the United States is around 8 hours. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, 'A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.'" The Expositor's Bible Commentary explains regarding this passage: "This amount [of money] suggests food prices about twelve times higher than normal and implies inflation and famine conditions (Matthew 24:7 Matthew 24:7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.American King James Version). I know you have a plan and purpose for each and everyone of us, and I pray that you forgive my sins .. Cannibalism is mentioned in the Bible. The cost of bread is NOT a $1.98 throughout the world though. (40) And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. We shouldnt be surprised then, when God shows up, writing on the roof of our skies, with something called a meteor. In time, they also will receive these same promised benefits when they, too, learn to live the way God has revealed in His Word. 2 Kings 6:24-29: This is the only Bible reference that I could find relating directly to your question. [10] [11]. As for World Bank data, I am not endorsing the World Bank! [54] So that the man that is tender among you, and very delicate, his eye shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the wife of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his children which he shall leave: Revelation 6 seems to be describing prices that will be difficult for most people and families to afford. To ancient Israelites there was no such thing as nature as we understand it today and no such thing as chance. Just curious would you use Revelation 6:6 to argue that an oil shortage is prevalent in the End Times? I suspect the connection between Judaism and Communism is not one that you have yet made. The resulting starvation would cause the social structure to unravel at a frightening speed. And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. It indeed could, especially if the start of the tribulation is several decades away. Food insecurity and outright famine is already a reality faced by hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. The black market will be huge! Ill take what you said under consideration if/when I write an update to this article. Is the scarcity of wheat and barley the key to understanding the times? Is it conceivable famine could spread to impact the wealthy, food-rich countries of the world? The calculation is shown in the table below: The price for a choenix of wheat will be equal to the value of a denarius after the opening of the third seal. They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. I believe the Rapture will occur immediately before the prelude of the Great Tribulation. Volcanoes are pumping Sulfur Dioxide into the air. Your email address will not be published. In addition. ASV I wondered why so many taught this when I was younger. In response to the third living creature's command to come, a rider on a black horse emerged. Thats $1,400 per week, $4,600 per month! "Black" is the color for famine (Jer. Some meals organizations have declared programs to increase costs so it might be sensible to buy a little bit more the very next time before the cost improves go into impact. American King James Version). Another and more important point. If the great depression fulfilled the prophecy, it would shine a different light on where we are at in Revelations. 3 x Price for a Choenix of Barley = 1Value of Denarius. And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? The Choenix/Denarius Ratio (CDB) for Barley,,,, Job 14:12, the Rapture, and Resurrection of the Righteous, Interview on the Red Heifer & Other Topics, The Red Heifer & the End Time Third Temple, New Edition of My Comprehensive End Time Book,, Grams of Silver in a Denarius (3.36 x 91.25%), Troy Ounces of Silver in a Denarius (3.066/31.1), Silver Price Per Ounce (Updated August 25, 2022), Metal Value of Denarius (Silver Price Per Ounce x 0.0986), Grams of Silver in a Denarius (3.51 x 93.5%), Troy Ounces of Silver in a Denarius (3.28185/31.1), Metal Value of Denarius (Silver Price Per Ounce x 0.1055), Price Per Lb (Choenix Value/Choenix Weight), Price Per Bushel (Price Per Lb x 59.74 lbs), Price Appreciation (Price Per Bushel/Updated Price). Remember prophecy has an expiration date. Researchers are saying that unless something changes weve got only about sixty years of topsoil before farming gets a lot more difficult. A famine of hearing. [38] Behold, your house is left to you desolate. 14:1-3; Lam. They are ravenous eaters who consume their own weight per day, targeting food crops and forage. In Deuteronomy 28 God details the horror of a people stricken with the curse of famine. Notice that Amos prophesied of a famine of "hearing" God's wordsnot necessarily a famine of availability of God's words. 19 Bible Verses about Pestilence. Since 2013, the hysteria seems to have quite down. So, if 1/10 of Troy ounce of silver is going to be worth a days wage of (lets use the least number) $100/day, we are being told that silver bullion will be going up in price to $1,000 a Troy ounce on the low side, and as much as $2,000/ounce on the high side. I never denied the miracle of Christ feeding 5,000 people! Events will drive the world into an out-of-control spin. I hold an M.B.A. and degrees in Managerial Economics and Political Science. Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. Ezekiel 6:12ESV / 121 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful They don't want to hear about sin and hell. Sword is war, and war brings famine. So the only course left for them was impending desolation and the cruel lessons of experience (see Matthew 23:37-39 Matthew 23:37-39 [37] O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kill the prophets, and stone them which are sent to you, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, and you would not! In the last book of the Bible there is described a revelation, from Jesus to the Apostle John, about a great cataclysm coming upon earth. Food prices rarely rise this much without a major supply shortage. Dont let your soul be a brothel. What would be its consequences? Now it came about after this, that Ben-hadad king of Aram gathered all his army and went up and besieged Samaria. Most Bible commentaries mention the Attic choenix in relation to Revelation 6:5-6. Yes, it would be wise to own several acres of land and grow food with seeds that can in fact reproduce good seeds (do not buy genetically modified seeds that are sterile). Be well. I wouldnt attach a lot of meaning to that meteor. If my thought is correct, then your subsequent math is wrong. Just a bit of trivia. Why Do People Say Theres Famine in Revelation 6:5-6? From Sign to the start of the 7 year countdown we may know this September- August. If you are unable to do that then just wait until the Antichrist arise as that will be the start of the 7 final years when the first seal is opened as can be seen by comparing Matt 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 and Revelation 6. [8] [9] This data allows me to create a graph tracking the CDW as far back as 1960. Time is short. Eventual the fiat money will go the wayside and show itself to be worthless as it already is. Willie- Im paraphrasing from memory so please take a look at the true text when you can. Your comment reminds me that there was a story yesterday about an upcoming major gathering of leaders who are looking to reshape the global economic system: In terms of your issue with communism being implemented globally, we are heading there at an alarming rate. I pray I stay steadfast in you Lord, give me strength to keep my eyes on you, I pray for a renewed sense of hope and that you place of hedge of protection around us all and protect us from evil doers .. He is heard in the silence so when you pray remember you are talking to the Holy creator, He is really listening, so its ok to just be still and know He is Lord. Wars, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, tempests, hail, floods, famines, plagues and pestilence. The Third Seal: Famine. And higher prices make the remaining food harder to afford. This translates to nearly 3.066 grams of silver or 0.099 troy ounces of silver. Famine will be global during 3rd seal conditions. God's desire in bringing famine upon Israel was to gain His people's attention in a sure-fire waythrough their stomachs. A modii of wheat could produce between 16 and 20 one-pound loaves of bread. This past year, the grapes were tainted by smoke from western wildfires. However, The Living Bible interprets the phrase in Revelation to mean that there is practically no oil and wine left. However, why did John choose to quote the price of food in terms of money instead of time worked? White Horse ( 1st Seal ): The appearance of the Antichrist on the world stage as a false messiah: "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." (Revelation 6:2) Red Horse (2nd Seal): The . However, the ratio has approached 1 in times of major shortages: Nevertheless, the barley charts suggest we are not close to seeing the type of shortages and prices that will come during the third seal famine. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If the world suffered a food and or economic crises it could result in a new global currency and rationing for the masses. John wrote what he heard in his vision/dream thing. American King James Version). Do not touch the oil and wine represents the spiritual safety guaranteed to those who will put their faith in Jesus during the Trib. But until then, we will continue to see cyclical occurrence of famine, from all sorts of causes, resulting in millions of people dying when they could have lived. This data allows me to create a graph tracking the CDB as far back as 1960. Using this information, we can estimate the current value of a denarius: A denarius weighed approximately 3.51 grams and had 93.50% silver purity during the reign of Domitian.[7]. Jesus Christ wept over the fate that was about to fall on Jerusalem in the first century. Israel is the main focus and most of those things related to Revelations deal with her. From the UN report: Swarms of Desert Locusts there are extremely large, highly mobile, and are damaging food crops and forage. 8:8, should make us aware, that God may be staging a major move in the Heavenlies, which will change our earth shortly. We must be careful not to cross over into occult omens. Be that it may, but the churches are not watching the skies or Israel. What do we do, if it should happen again, somewhere else? Look back in History. In the postexilic period, God sent three prophetsHaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Read what the 7-headed beast with 10 horns does to America: Rev 17:16 And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire. Wars and revolutions interrupt supply lines, empty grocery stores, and ruin agricultural land. The biblical woman Naomi experienced a famine in the days when judges ruled in Israel, causing her family to move to Moab, where her son married Ruth. Your answer seems to make this fairly complicated following the value of all the monetary systems on Earth. We moderns tend to consider black to be the opposite of white, so to us, black is the color of evil, personified in the almost totally black costume of Darth Vader in Star Wars. Fertile rice fields were plowed over and factories built on them. Farmers have been burying perishable produce or dumping milk as a result of supply chain disruption and falling consumer demand. Revelation 6:1-8 shows the opening of four seals and discusses the rides of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Worth exploring? God is long suffering, patient, loving and kind. "The third horse of the Apocalypse (mainly famine) is followed, according to Revelation 6:7-8, by a pale horse, and the rider's name is 'Death,' and 'Hades' or 'the Grave' follows him. The weight of a denari is really close to 1/10 of an ounce of silver in this article. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. It was large enough to light up the whole sky, and came with a sonic boom. Blessings to you and thanks so much for your study and hard work for the Lord! I have no idea what relevance that has in your attack. It is thus told by Jacques de Voragine, in his "Legenda Aurea:" John saw four horsemen, which was mentioned in the book of Zechariah. They were exclaiming that the 200 denarii would hardly be enough to feed such a large number. The cost of food in the 3rd seal famine would be incredible and far beyond any type of ordinary inflation could bring.
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