Are Border Collies good for first-time owners? Its crucial, especially for a first-time owner, to research positive training techniques and consider investing in training classes. Good family dogs? If you live in a small apartment, townhome, or house without a lot of yard space Border Collies can feel really cooped up and have nowhere to focus releasing their excessive energy. There are dogs that are friendly and trusting of any person, like golden retrievers. You have to be extra careful while dealing with very sensitive border collies. Not all are the same. They can develop separation anxiety or even be destructive. If youre looking for a great companion and family dog, but you are unsure if you have the time to spend with your new puppy, this breed is probably not a good fit. Read more about this in the How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies. Is A Collie A Good First Dog? (For A New Dog Owner) Affiliate Disclosure: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. If this happens, they can become destructive and anxious. Growing up exploring the English countryside with his canine companion, he now has a family of his own and enjoys watching his children interact with animals - including Border Collies. Your Border Collie will be a part of your family, and it will be a top priority to keep it safe and healthy. Think that will never happen? Lets take a look at this: For centuries, Border Collies have been bred as sheepdogs who spend their days out in the elements rounding up flock after flock and herd after the herd. Our girl is now a full sized 16 month, brilliant dog. Here is a list of jobs that other owners have given their Border Collies. Welcome to Howling & Growling, my blog about all things collies. CL. ), How to Teach your Collie Paw (Easy Step By Step Guide), Complete Guide to Collie Temperament and Personality. But either way, a Border Collie has a double coat this is an amazing waterproof and weatherproof type of fur that requires only a little basic care every once in a while. They excel at the task because of their strength, stamina, intelligence, and work ethic. Most herding dogs, like those mentioned above, will sometimes nip at a persons feet or heels. I also have a medium big backyard but behind my house there are terribly huge fields. Even if you dont have those many advantages, if youre willing to invest time and love and efforts, youll get a wonderful dog that will bond with you really strongly. Similar to Greyhounds, Whippets are a popular racing and hunting breed. IF you can do all these things for them, with a little additional research, a collie could be a good fit in your life and home.Here is some more general advice for first-time dog owners. High energy working breeds like collies may develop separation anxiety if you work long hours and they are left alone often. I wonder if the high energy/ nature of the breed is waning because breeders are choosing more chilled, easy going parents for their pups? The tail is mostly uncovered since the dog sits upright while working. The amount of training Border Collies need can be overwhelming for a new dog owner. Theyre friendly with people and other animals, making them suitable family pets. I read a lot about border collies. Are Border Collies Good for First-time Dog Owners? A Border Collie may be suitable for you if: A Border Collie may not be suitable for you if: Border Collies make amazing pets. Problems can include chewing holes in things, scraping at things, and digging holes. Border collies are also known for their herding instincts and can be very active. But many forget that they also love cuddling and bonding with their owners, making them the best of both worlds! Are you considering getting a border collie? I believe another owner will be able to give Ollie a better life than I can. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); the most intelligent breed of domestic dogs, Best Shampoo for Border Collies in 2022; Cleaning, Coat Care, and More, The Best Dog Toys for Border Collies 2022. After being bred exclusively to herd for centuries, they are also hard workers who never clock off which can be a problem. A Border Collie is an incredibly sensitive dog who will constantly listen to every word you say. 10 Essential Training Tips! In a nutshell, no. Here are some essential tips for keeping your new canine safe: Nicole is the proud mom of 3 rescue fur babies, Baby, a Burmese cat; Rosa, a New Zealand Huntaway; and Mac, a Lab/Mastiff. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Because theres two of us this means we devote 1:30hs each per day (when we are time restricted) and up to 5 during non busy days (weekends, holidays). In addition to all of that, rough collies have a long coat that can be quite tough to maintain and might be more work than an inexperienced dog owner would expect. Which dog is best for first time owners: Doberman Pinscher vs Border Collie? While their past says they should be working dogs on farms, border collies have slowly made the shift into homes. These dogs are bred to work, and if they arent given a lot of exercises, they can become destructive. There may be a potential danger, like adverse weather conditions. A lot. Use the search! These dogs have few behavioral problems when well-trained and learn easily. However, while the Border collie may be a good family dog, its not good for every family. Any price and availability information displayed on [relevant Amazon Site(s), as applicable] at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product. If youre thinking about getting a collie for your first dog, its important to consider their high requirement for mental stimulation and physical exercise and ask yourself honestly if you have the time to look after them. Just wondering if our house is the right fit for a BC! Collies are constantly on the go and need an owner who can keep up with them! Border Collies were a popular breed as they proved very effective due to their high energy levels and intelligence making them very fast, agile and able to follow commands. Whether you are looking for a canine companion, a playmate for the kids, or an adventure buddy, there is a lot to consider before committing to a puppy. When looking after a dog, you must ensure you can provide your companion with the correct diet, grooming needs, and healthcare. They can be introverted, independent, and sometimes aggressive to strangers for example with their juvenile nipping behavior. But if you are the type of person who gets frustrated easily or wants a low-maintenance dog, we would not recommend getting one! They also have strong jaws that help them catch their targets safely; this makes them great for hunting small animals like Rabbits or game birds such as Quail. Unless you really do have several spare hours each day and are willing to invest this time into walking, training and grooming then a rough collie is not a good first dog. The Border Collie is a highly adaptable dog, able to thrive contentedly in most situations theyre not just a farm dog. In general, collies are not an aggressive breed due to centuries of selective breeding to enhance their cooperativeness and intelligence. If your Border Collie pup tends to bark when left alone, try leaving the radio on for company. You have to be 110% committed to investing your time into training and exercising throughout their lifetime. They are also a very intelligent breed. You can train this out of them with proper socialization and obedience training. But theyre not as suited to living in a small apartment as the Boston Terrier, for example. Many people agree that Border Collies are the smartest dog breed in the world. Collies require a specific positive training approach and they can suffer from traits that are difficult to train out of them without in depth knowledge of the breed, such as chasing cars and nipping. Sometimes collies are just too focused for their own good and run after their much loved ball with no regard for their own wellbeing. They are an intelligent breed of dog, who will find clever ways of telling you what they want you to do or how to play with them. However, this is not always the case. Owning a first-time pet is always an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be daunting. These dogs need plenty of exercise and mental enrichment to stay healthy and happy. Whether you're new to the breed or an experienced owner looking for new ideas, this blog is sure to provide the answers you need to keep your canine companion happy and healthy! A Canadian expat, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband and new baby daughter in New Zealand. They will be loyal loving companions always at your side, but when it comes to sleeping and resting they generally prefer their own space. You will need to be prepared to spend a lot of time playing with teaching and coming up with activities for your Border Collie to do. One other great game thats very easy to play with Border Collies is Treibball. His experiences have given him an intimate understanding of the unique bond between humans and animals, and he's looking forward to sharing his knowledge and insights with readers. Collie They are also very intelligent and need much more mental stimulation as well. How to prevent separation anxiety, How To Care For Your Collie: Nine Important Tips For New Collie Owners, How to Teach your Collie to Give You A Kiss (Easy Trick! You must ensure you have a few hours spare each day to invest into training your collie so if you work long hours and like to hit the gym or grab a few drinks at a bar after work then a border collie will not be a good first dog for you. Ideally, someone who is very familiar with dog reactivity. They can get this from learning new commands, tricks, or other working tasks. They were bred to herd sheep, and if not given enough exercise and meaningful tasks to do, they can be found herding any living thing around them including, cats, your children, or even you! Whether its because of the lurid, neon colors they are available in or because it appeals to their centuries of experience in tracking that one stray sheep, many a Border Collie owner will tell you about what a Frisbee fanatic their Border Collie is. HOWEVER, if you are active and know you can step up to this and give them the attention, fresh air, and life they deserve then there is no reason this should not be great for you and a Collie in need of a home and love.Just remember, Border Collies are some of the most active dogs out there, so really does depend on how much youre willing to put in. Staring is often used as a method to get something they want from you; such as some leftover food, to initiate play, or to get your attention. Border Collies have a lot of appeal to potential dog owners. This is a true characteristic of their temperament, as they were initially bred as herding dogs. Questions to ask your Border Collie breeder before your visit. Even if they dont want to relax with you, theyll want to interact with you a lot of the time. If you want to adopt a Border Collie, you have to ensure they get adequate mental and physical stimulation. If you are going to have your collie sleep outside make sure to provide them with a sheltered area to escape the elements. Im thinking of getting a border collie as a first time dog but have worries about the horror experiences. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The Border Collie Corgi mix can vary in size but usually theyll have the stout appearance of their Corgi parent. One of the smartest Border Collies ever, named Chaser has learned over 1000 words including distinguishing nouns and verbs. Border Collies are generally healthy dogs, but like all dogs, they are predisposed to a few health conditions. A Border Collies temperament is cheerful and alert, making it an excellent all-around farm or herding dog. During the weekend I would do many activities with her, just the week is a bit tight. Ok, picture hiking with your collienow picture your collie dropping their ball down the side of the hill and rampaging after it, tripping over rough terrain and straining or worse, breaking a leg. There is no point getting a lap dog if you plan to take it hiking. With proper training by an experienced owner, they can make a good family pet. If you answered yes to all or most of these questions then a border collie might be for you. Thank You for your support. Border Collies are best for people with large yards, or lots of property where they can run freely and explore. Owning a Border Collie means that you are a responsible pet owner. Twice a year they shed, even more, when they blow their coats (change coats for the seasons). Before making any diagnosis, starting a treatment plan, or otherwise changing your pets diet or habits, you should always consult a professional veterinarian. Some would say that Border Collies are not suitable for a first-time owner, while others say it is an excellent breed for a first-time owner. We try our best to keep things fair and balanced, in order to help you make the best choice for you and for your best friend. Some people have a crate setup in the house for their Border Collies to sleep in and they never need to shut the doors as their Border Collies choose to sleep in there. Collie Perfect | A site all about Border Collies! If you want to adopt a border collie, and you are confused if the two of you will make a good match or not, you are in the right place. Are border Collies good for a first time dog owner? : dogs - reddit Any aggressiveness in collies is usually caused by fear, as collies can be skittish and take a long time to trust new people in their lives. Border collies are working canines and therefore need to be given a job every day; otherwise, they may turn to more destructive forms of entertainment. Well collies need at least 2 hours of off leash exercise every single day come rain or shine! If you have any questions, please let me know. They also have nipping tendencies, and although this is not intended to cause harm, it may end up hurting someone. They come from the region around the border between Scotland and England. Border Collies are an extremely intelligent breed requiring both frequent physical exercise and mental stimulation. It may not surprise you, then, to learn that the Border Collies coat is also just as suitable as a sheeps fleece for making wool. Some collies are fine with three 20 minute walks a day, while some need as much as a 6+ miles a day. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Picture the ball going through a barb wire fencenow picture your collie also charging through the fence. The Border Collie: A Guide for Owners - PetHelpful Collies require a minimum of two hours off leash exercise every single day and lots of mental stimulation too. You need to consider how much time, attention, and patience you have while considering the overall needs of a Border Collie. The eyes are usually a clear brown with a soft inner layer around the pupil; this layer gives them an almost milky appearance. Border Collie Hair Care (Complete Grooming Guide!). For the average person, Border Collies are probably not a good first dog. Border Collies are intelligent, energetic dogs with a strong work ethic, so they are not usually recommended for first-time dog owners. Border collies are very demanding, sensitive, and active dogs. They are often highlighted in movies like Animal Farm and Snow Dog. Its no wonder that a lot of people would think about getting a Border Collie when they decide to get a dog. Border Collies can double and triple that number. WebThe Border Collie Shiba Inu Mix is a smart and high-energy dog that isnt a good choice for first-time dog owners. Border Collie puppies tend to have a lot of energy and can exercise for an hour or more a day. Hi, I would love to get a Border Collie. If you take the time to introduce them properly over a few weeks, then they will be perfectly fine together. Border Collies can also be protective of their family and unsure of strangers, which is another important reason for early socialization. For more information about Border Collie shedding and grooming, you can read the article below. Continue reading to find out if getting a Border Collie as your first dog is right for you! Make sure you are able to provide this before getting a Border Collie! Sorry for the late response. Essentially, theyre trying to herd you, and theyre mimicking the livestock herding behavior they were originally bred for. Whether you own a toy poodle, standard poodle, or the larger version, this breed is both hypoallergenic and scores low in the odor department. Adult dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesnt mean that they should. It is recommended by the American Border Collie Association that if you do decide to take on the care of a border collie, you have to commit to daily exercise and mental stimulation. This breed is characterized by its high drive and intense energy levels. Borgi - Size | Appearance | Temperament | Shedding It can be caught early and rectified with medication and surgery. A: Border Collies are suitable for experienced owners. The Border collie is loyal and can be good with children. A Border Collie may be challenging for a first-time dog owner, but with adequate training and care, it can become an extraordinary pet. It made me think. When it comes to exercise, a Border Collie needs daily access to as large a space as possible. Maybe they are not as high energy as Im being led to believe? The Truth about Attachment and Loyalty in Border Collies! And to this day, they sure as heck are intelligent and obedient. Its more work than you think, even for older collies! Well, the biggest reason. You can expect a bored Border Collie to chew things up, lick excessively, bark excessively, dig, get into and eat things they shouldnt (see this article I wrote about eating rocks, dirt, and poop), and basically cause destruction. The latter is the fluffy, Lassie-like collie, whereas the former has a sleek, short coat. Border Collies are famous for using the eye staring intensely at members of the flock to intimidate them. People love how easy it is to train a Border Collie; this makes them excellent family pets since theyre suitable for everyones needs when it comes to training them to do work tasks and to be companion animals. Affectionate? WebAre Border Collies Good For First-Time Dog Owners? You need to be creative with them when training! A Border Collie is one of the smartest dogs out there. A good first dog should be highly trainable and have a naturally friendly temperament towards other dogs and people. Are you ready for many walks a day (Or a good amount of time spent playing the backyard)? Is Having a Puppy a lot of work? Highly intelligent and highly trainable, the affectionate and energetic Border Collie almost always comes out on top when it comes to doggy smarts. Yes . They are also known to try and herd things, which is often seen most in other pets and young children. This is because too much running and strain on their joints as a puppy can lead to joint issues in later age. Have you ever noticed that Border Collies are featured in many Hollywood movies, commercials, and hit tv shows? Taking that into consideration, why wouldnt they be a good breed to start with? In a nutshell, yes, Border Collies can live in apartments. Didn't find what you need? Border collies possess a near-magical ability to demolish houses, destroy yards and chew through furniture, all before breakfast. These include: Destructive behavior such as chewing or digging, especially when left alone. But it has to be a good fit for all concerned and should this new companion be a Border Collie? Comment below with any questions you have! Before your visit to your Border Collie breeder, you will generally want to ask questions that are going to help you understand what to expect during the visit. 2. Border Collies although easy to train are very high-energy and need a lot of mental stimulation. We want to train the BC to do some tricks and simple commands but we dont know if the BC would like the smaller house we live in? A Border Collie will not wander off as far as other breeds like a Terrier or Hound, but they can still easily jump out and even nip at passers-by, in an attempt to herd them. So in some ways, a Border Collie is perfect for a first-time owner, as long as they are prepared to be highly active every day. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. A Border Collie is suitable for a first-time owner who provides adequate exercise, attention, and the love that the animal requires. First-time dog owners may not have the skill set needed to train a dog like a Border Collie. Border collies are very passionate and energetic dogs. There are dogs playgrounds also near our house 10 minutes drive. That can also mean theyre strong-willed. Some dogs may feel intimidated by their herding behaviors or they just dont like another dog trying to control their movements. The exact amount of time can vary from dog to dog, but you can expect at least 2-3 hrs of quality time spent doing things with your Border Collie, and then another hour or more coming up with things to keep your dog busy when you cant be constantly engaged with them. Hopefully, the article about are border collies good for first time owners above meets your needs, everyone has a better idea, please leave a comment below, all your suggestions help us create better and better articles for everyone. If not provided to them, they can become little troublemakers in the home. So a 3-month puppy needs 15 minutes of exercise up to twice a day. Think 30 minutes walking in the pouring rain is bad? if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',162,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-162{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}But many of the same hazards associated with your Border Collie spending their time outside can be observed indoors, too. The more time you spend with your border collie, the stronger your relationship will become. The dogs fur is typically dark on its body with lighter legs, head, underbelly and border region. These dogs are intelligent, trainable and have many good attributes as a family pet. Along with being sensitive and intelligent, they are loyal, energetic, alert, and obedient. This makes them playful and even sometimes demanding. This means that there are so many options out there for you if you might be thinking a border collie is not for you. Their sensitivity also requires specific attention to socializing them when they are young. This is happening as a result of more and more people moving to urban areas. While this dog breed tends to herd anything that moves, they are not likely to ever do so with malicious intent. A Border Collie is perfect for a family, but with older children who can play properly with such a large dog and who are physically capable of handling a dog who will pull on the lead. Theyre not natural couch potatoes! They can also become sensitive about their food possibly becoming very picky eaters (link to an article I wrote about how picky Border Collies are). One of the most popular breeds in the world, the golden retriever is a truly gentle dog. This is because they are extremely intelligent dogs, who will quickly learn what is expected of them. Collies are usually not a good first dog, since inexperienced dog owners may be easily overwhelmed with collies unusually high requirements for training, exercise, and mental stimulation. He's originally from Ontario, Canada and his breeder is from England. For example, as seen in the linked video, Border Collies are sensitive and dislike sudden noises like a toaster or doorbell. This breed can be intense, and it needs a lot of work Border Collies have thick double coats of hair. Since theyre also good at guarding, owners can use them for guarding property or livestock from predators, such as coyotes or mountain lions. No . What if you bring them inside? Hi! My partner did have Yorkies but nothing bigger and Ive never had a dog, and I must say were happy and loving our decision. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This is another reason to keep them busy, mentally stimulated, and well-socialized. Being sensitive and intelligent means pet parents need to make some extra effort to respond according to their psychology and behavior. You will often see them in dog competitions, agility courses, and sheepdog trials. Border Collies are loyal, love to work hard and will give you hours of entertainment you will have to come up with plenty of new tricks to keep your Border Collie happy at home. I'm an experienced collie owner from Scotland and the original founder of Howling and Growling. And not just her. In short, no, Border Collies are not well pre-disposed for being a guard dog. This doesnt mean its 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love. Border Collies are an extremely intelligent breed requiring both frequent physical exercise and mental stimulation. We only recommend high-quality products that are used and recommended by real owners. They also need mental stimulation. My brother has taught his Border Collie to find and retrieve antler sheds! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'trainingbuster_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-leader-2-0');But at any point, their centuries spent herding can take over and they could start to herd a person jogging past, for example, or a crowd of young children playing loudly. If you dont have the time needed to keep your Border Collie happy you will start to see your Border Collie turn to destructive behaviors to keep themselves occupied. No, inexperienced owners might find it too much of a challenging breed. Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. There is a reason this breed of dog is used for herding, because they have the ability to concentrate fully on the task in hand to herd sheep no matter what is going on round about them. They can also get mental stimulation from toys made specifically for this. Thank you for taking the time to read this article; I hope it has been useful to you! You should take your collie for a walk once or twice a day. Are Border Collies Good Family Dogs? (For a House or Apartment) Where Do Border Collies Come From? Manage Settings owner If so maybe I shouldnt be put off getting one on the generalisation of the breeds original purpose? west valley > general for sale - by owner QR Code Link to This Post. However, if you know the basics about keeping a dog as a pet and love to know more, things will be quite easy for you to manage. They really need someone who knows what they are doing to engage their super smart doggy brain. Are Border Collies Good For First-Time Dog Owners? | Flipboard These vet trips will be costly so you will want to invest in some good insurance for your collie to help cover the costs. Border collies make a wonderful companionship in which they love to be with you shoulder to shoulder. I agree that they have a good temperament, and The Shiba Inu Border Collie Mix Poodles. Yes, Border Collies make brilliant family pets, but will need a home with a large garden where they can stretch their legs regularly. In this article, well discuss what you should consider before becoming a first-time dog owner, what you should know about owning a Border Collie, and tips to help you decide if this is the right breed. Yes, border collies can be an excellent choice for first-time dog owners. Collies are not good for inexperienced dog owners, since they require a lot of training and exercise, and they can be prone to behavioral problems which have to be carefully managed. Its a big commitment. Border Collies are intelligent dogs that will respond to training from a very young age. (myth Busting!) are border collies good for first time owners, software analysis of the salaries of a random, american leopard hound vs catahoula leopard dog. They are no lapdog theyll never settle down with you on the couch to watch a movie.
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