This is especially (though far from uniquely) true in the agricultural sector of the U.S. economy. Exposure to U.S. media is changing traditional Latino perceptions of health, diet, and body image, even as non-Latino Americans are influenced by Mexican cuisine and culture. Cold linseed tea and hibiscus flower tea for diabetes. Recent immigrants may face additional obstacles to care, including illegal immigration status (fears of deportation), illiteracy, and a radically different set of health beliefs. Because of less access to health care, Latinos with diabetes are often diagnosed later and have a greater risk of complications.15,16 Despite these unfavorable health and socioeconomic statistics, overall mortality is lower than would be expectedan anomaly termed the Hispanic paradox.17 Latinos live an average of 2.5 years longer than non-Latino whites (to 80 years, seven months of age) and 7.7 years longer than non-Latino blacks.1 It is not known what protective factors exist, but immigrant hardiness, social integration, and diet may have a role.1 Raising awareness about the consequences of obesity is necessary in Latino communities, especially because being somewhat overweight (gordito) can be considered healthy. Manybut not allfolk and herbal treatments can be safely accommodated with conventional therapy. 37% of Latinos have. Adding to the language barrier is the pitfall of false fluency, when physicians mistake the meaning of a Spanish word because of unfamiliarity with cultural or linguistic subtleties.4 Another barrier is inability to afford health insurance; nearly one-third of Latinos (30.7 percent) lack coverage.5 Yet another barrier stems from cultural mistrust coupled with a predisposition to seek alternative care first, thus delaying conventional treatment. Double or hyphenated Latino surnames may seem complicated, with the father's name preceding the mother's. by Marcia Carteret, M. Ed. Bridging such cultural gaps, wide or narrow, will result in better physician-patient relationships and more effective care. Similarly, in a national epidemiological survey of Latino households in the U.S., of those who reported awareness of a problem with at least one symptoms (overweight, binge eating, or weight control), only one fifth to one third of Latinos in this sample reported ever receiving treatment for an eating disorder (Alegria et al., 2007). Trauma-Focused CBT for Effective PTSD & Trauma Treatment Visit SAMHSA on Instagram The cultural value of modestia (modesty), which is related to respect, is often neglected.27 Latinos may be conservative in this area, and physical exposure should be negotiated as the examination warrants. Methods Hispanic . al., "Important Health Care Issues for California Latinos: Health Insurance and Health Status," UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, January 2003. Culturally competent care necessitates cross-cultural training, which is increasingly included in medical education, but with the realization that cultural competency is a lifelong learning process rather than an end in itself.8. Lack of third party reimbursement for professional interpreter services exacerbates this problem. Oregano tea for coughs. [4] What are the treatments for heroin use disorder? Rue for earache. Hispanic Pain Experience - NIMHD Combination therapy generally uses multiple treatment methods at once. Some trials examined overall CAM use, whereas others looked at. Other healing specialties include yerberas (herbalists), hueseros (bone setters), parteras (midwives), and sobradores (similar to physical therapists).21, Symptoms are often interpreted differently based on cultural presuppositions. Intense but brief release of emotion thought to be caused by family conflict or anger, No immediate treatment other than calming the patient, Childhood condition characterized by irritability and diarrhea thought to be caused by abrupt withdrawal from the mother's breast, Holding the child upside down or applying gentle pressure to the hard palate, Constipation, cramps, or vomiting thought to be caused by overeating, Abdominal massage and herbal purgative teas; an egg passed over the abdomen supposedly sticks to the affected area, Steam inhalation and herbal treatments, including eucalyptus and mullein (gordolobo), Pelvic congestion and decreased libido thought to be caused by insufficient rest after childbirth, Cold air that is thought to cause respiratory infections and earaches, Steam baths, hot compresses, stimulating herbal teas, A hex cast on children, sometimes unconsciously, that is thought to be caused by the admiring gaze of someone more powerful, The hex can be broken if the person responsible for the hex touches the child, or if a healer passes an egg over the child's body; the egg is then broken into a bowl of water and placed under the child's bed; child may wear charms for protection, Unnatural illness that is not easily explained, Temporary paralysis of the face or limbs, often thought to be caused by a sudden hot-cold imbalance, Posttraumatic illness (e.g., shock, insomnia, depression, anxiety), Barrida ritual purification ceremony (herbs used to sweep patient's body) repeated until the patient improves, Eaten to alleviate hypertension and prevent arteriosclerosis; garlic juice is applied to stings and spider bites, Anticoagulant effect at high doses; avoid high doses in patients taking coumadin (Warfarin); high doses can cause heartburn and bad breath; reduces effectiveness of saquinavir (Invirase), Boiled flowers are used externally on bruises, For topical and homeopathic use only; avoid internal use (except for homeopathic preparations, which are considered safe); increased gastroenteritis and dyspnea risk with ingestion, Hepatotoxicity risk from pyrrolizidine alkaloids (in leaves) with high or prolonged doses, Spice used as antispasmodic and for upper respiratory infections; although promoted as a hypoglycemic agent, recent research is conflicting, Use with caution in patients taking hepatotoxic drugs; safe in usual food quantities, Cilantro (cilantro [leaf] or coriander [seed]), Tea used for anxiety, stomach cramps, and inflamed gums; more recently popularized for increasing the urinary excretion of heavy metals, No safety concerns, although there have been recalls because of salmonella and pesticide contamination, Oil used topically for toothache and bad breath, Eugenol in clove oil may affect blood clotting; toxic if ingested, especially in children, Tea or syrup used as an expectorant, a diuretic, and for constipation, liver problems, and gall stones; also used to induce menstruation, High doses may cause vomiting; avoid in pregnancy; no known interactions, Leaf tea used for anxiety and lethargy, most popular as an aphrodisiac, Theoretical concern of cyanogenic glycoside toxicity with higher doses, Tea used for intestinal parasites; herb is added to beans to prevent flatulence, Chenopodium oil is also used as an antihelmintic but may be toxic (ascaridole content), Tea used for upset stomach and menstrual cramps, and to prevent diarrhea, Long-term ingestion causes absinthism (trembling, vertigo, thirst, delirium); thujone in the essential oil is neurotoxic and may cause seizures, Boiled leaves used for asthma in vaporizers; popular in lozenges for sore throat; also sometimes used as topical disinfectant, Ingesting eucalyptus oil may cause vomiting, diarrhea, delirium, and convulsions; avoid using in vaporizers for children younger than six years, Tea used to treat cough and sore throat; one study reports use for otitis, No known safety concerns (insufficient data) or drug interactions, High doses may cause anticoagulant effects and excess gas or bloating, Fruit juice used for fever, upper respiratory infection (classic cooling herb), and hypertension, Weed leaf used externally for burns, bruises, mouth sores, and hemorrhoids; tea taken orally for respiratory infections, Eaten as part of diet; has antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and laxative properties; also used as hangover treatment and for hyperlipidemia, May inhibit drug absorption; excess consumption may cause diarrhea and nausea, Leaf tea used to treat cough, indigestion, and, Safe in small quantities in food, but contains monoterpene ketones, which can cause toxicity (intestinal irritation, kidney damage, abortion, seizures), Toxic herb used to induce menstruation and abort fetuses, Toxic; avoid oral use; may cause renal and hepatic damage; furocoumarins can cause skin photosensitivity, Tea from dried flowers used to relieve cough, Yerba buena (mints, including spearmint and, Mint tea relieves upset stomach and headaches, Safe in usual quantities, but spearmint oil is a mucous membrane irritant and potentially toxic when ingested, Topical use for burns; occasionally ingested, Safe for topical use; juice is relatively safe; ingestion of aloe resin (a purgative) may cause diarrhea, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, and prolonged bleeding; potential interactions with hypoglycemics and cardiac glycosides, Safe as a food seasoning, toxic alveolitis reported from inhaling lemongrass oil, A Physician's Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care, Hispanic Center of Excellence (Baylor College of Medicine and University of Texas-Pan American), Language Line Services (interpreter services), Office of Minority Health: Cultural Competency, Office of Minority Health: National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS), Oregon Health & Science University: Spanish education handouts for clinicians, Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT) Resource Guide, Transcultural Nursing: Diversity in Health and Illness, University of Washington Medical Center: Culture Clues tip sheets. Become an expert on our coaching methods, internal systems, processes, and technology. 1 This change resulted in a substantial increase in the prevalence of hypertension from ~32% to ~46% in the United States (US) adult population. SAMHSA Blog. hispanic methods of treatment You call the dietitian to alert him to this patient's cultural concerns. The cultural value of familism has important implications for the successful treatment of a child with AD/HD. A high-carbohydrate and high-calorie diet, a more sedentary lifestyle in the United States, and genetic factors may contribute. 1 The term does not refer only to Spanish speakers, however; many people usually thought of as "Hispanic"-the people of Brazil, for instance, or those from indigenous Mexican communities-often do not speak Spanish at all, or at least not as their primary language. Interferon gammarelease screening tests are preferable to tuberculin skin testing in immigrants who have received the bacille Calmette-Gurin vaccine. 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857 Depression education fotonovela for engagement of Hispanic patients in A total of 31.2% received care from health care professionals assigned to ETC participation, and 33.6% had Medicare fee-for-service . You use teach back to ensure that Maria understands your directions, and you provide her with Spanish-language handouts about the benefits of controlling her diabetes and hypertension. . Hispanic/Latinx | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness Trauma-Focused CBT is one of the most effective types of treatment for a trauma-based disorder, particularly in adolescents and children. Underwriting for these materials was provided by a generous anonymous donor. Objective Little is known about the treatment outcomes of undocumented Hispanic immigrants with HIV infection. Prevalence, Awareness, and Treatment of Hypertension in Hispanics These instructions can be studied by the patient or translated when time permits. She might also stop giving her infant vitamins, because they are a hot therapy.24 It is often possible to safely accommodate conventional and alternative treatments (in reasonable doses) if potential conflicts or interactions are identified in advance. For Authors For Reviewers For Editors For Librarians For Publishers For Societies For Conference Organizers. Cultural Barriers to Treatment and Compliance. Personalismo, a personal connection, can be achieved by asking about the patient and his or her family. 8Holly Mead et. Respondents using these herbs reported never replacing their medical regimens with herbs. Thus, when working with diverse populations in the United States . Addressing patients properly can be another challenge. Studies show that Hispanics and Latinos seeking substance use disorders and mental health treatment confront many barriers to accessing culturally and linguistically competent care. high speed chase sumter sc 2021 marine city high school staff marine city high school staff Hispanic cultural health beliefs and folk remedies - PubMed Her husband died in an industrial accident four years ago, and she is still grieving. needs and experience of less acculturated Latino clients who are mostly from Mexico and Central America, and represent a large segment of the Latino community in Southern California. Latinos often lack access to healthcare and have poor - Brookings Chartbook for Hispanic Health Care (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) This Hispanic Health Care chartbook is part of a family of documents and tools that support the 2014 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR). As Hispanics continue their ascent as the largest and fastest growing minority group in the U.S., tension points between the healthcare and the Hispanic communities are growing as well, fueled by the lack of outreach from the former to the latter. By comparison, only 35% of Hispanics 50 and older say the same - a 30-percentage-point gap. Some states have extremely large Latino populations; for instance, as of 2006, 36 percent of Californians (13.2 million people) identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino, as did 36 percent of Texans (8.6 million people). Hispanic refers to people who speak Spanish and/or are descended from Spanish-speaking populations, while Latino refers to people who are from or descended from people from Latin America. Alonso, M., Val, E., & Rapaport, M. M. An open-label study of SSRI treatment in depressed Hispanic and non-Hispanic women. Hispanic/Latino Resources, Reports, Initiatives & More | SAMHSA Latinos have disproportionately higher rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus (Table 1).914 Approximately 43 percent of Mexican Americans older than 20 years are obese, compared with 33 percent of the non-Latino white population.12 Diabetes and hypertension are closely linked with obesity; 11.8 percent of Latinos older than 20 years have type 2 diabetes (13.3 percent of Mexican Americans), making it the foremost health issue in this population.14 A higher-calorie diet, a more sedentary lifestyle, and genetic factors contribute to this problem. Related letter: Chagas Disease Is a Consideration in Latino Patients. These may include antioxidants, probiotics, or a combination of medications to target any of the contributing factors. Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15 - October 15, is an important opportunity to raise awareness about these trends and more importantly, identify culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention and treatment strategies to reduce mental and substance use disorders in the Hispanic/Latino population. Although most Latinos living in the U.S. do speak at least some English, 60 percent of Latino adults speak primarily Spanish at home.6 According to the U.S. Census, more than half of U.S. Latino residents age 5 and older speak English "very well," but a nevertheless significant number of Latino adults speak English "not well" or "not at all. Hispanics progress against racism but have long way to go - UNM Newsroom Downward National Trends in Mental Health Treatment Offered in Spanish Latino healing traditions include curanderismo in Mexico and much of Latin America, Santeria in Brazil and Cuba, and espiritismo in Puerto Rico.19 Curanderos, traditional healers, distinguish between hot and cold illnesses (Table 220 ) and occasionally between natural and unnatural (sorcery-related) diseases.19,20 Patients may seek out the care of brujos or brujas (wizards or witches) for the latter conditions. Compared with non-Latino whites, Mexican Americans have up to a three times higher incidence of diabetes mellitus and a three times higher prevalence of obesity, but hypertension-related mortality is only 4 percent higher (not a significant difference). Data Synthesis: Hispanics were identified homogenously in some studies and more correctly as a heterogeneous population in others. Latinos are a multiracial, multicultural group." Some Mexican Americans have been in the US for many generations. Hispanics generally use multiple methods to treat themselves which involve prayer, folk medicine, prescription medications left over from friends as well as new medications prescribed by physicians. Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.1 Latinos comprised nearly 16 percent of the U.S. population in 2009, making them the largest minority group.1 By 2050, it is projected that they will comprise up to 30 percent of the U.S. population.2 The three largest subgroups include Mexican Americans (about 65 percent), mostly settled in the Southwest, Puerto Ricans (9.1 percent) in the urban Northeast, and Cuban Americans (3.5 percent) in Florida.3 However, these demographics are rapidly shifting as Latino populations are increasingly integrated into suburban and rural communities throughout America. Methods: Data from the National Mental Health Services Survey conducted in 2014 (N=13,015 facilities) and 2019 (N=12,345 facilities) were used to measure changes in the proportions of facilities that offered treatment in Spanish overall and by year, state, and proportion of Hispanic residents. Davis Company, 1998): 397-421. Addiction can affect a person's impulse control, ability to stop using a substance, using despite risks, and physical and mental changes. See permissionsforcopyrightquestions and/or permission requests. Hence, the individual's good cannot be neatly separated from his or her community. Latino/Hispanic cultural influences on assessing and - Parenting Media Contact . Most, although not all, alternative therapies in the Latino community are not harmful and may be combined with conventional care. Case 1: Delinquency or a Mental Health Problem: The Case of Pablo Sanchez, Case 3: From Chronic to Critical: End-of-Life Decisions. You then schedule a return visit, during which an interpreter will be available. hispanic methods of treatment. Patients should be actively involved in their care rather than passively acquiescing to instructions. As with any patient, Latinos should be treated as individuals first, while exploring possible cultural distinctions. Latino culture has several normative values that must be recognized in clinical settings. In some cases, discussing personal family issues might feel like a form of disloyalty to a Hispanic recovering addict in a group therapy . Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity Latinos are a diverse ethnic group that includes many different cultures, races, and nationalities. 7Hyon B. Shin and Rosalind Bruno, "Language Use and English-Speaking Ability: 2000," Census 2000 Brief, U.S. Census Bureau, October 2003, accessed at: The extra time necessary for this technique is justified by the prospect of much better understanding and adherence.31. As with any circumscribed ethnic group, there is, of course, enormous cultural heterogeneity among Latino patients-to the point where it seems almost ludicrous to try to identify broad cultural tendencies across such diversity. Have a question about government service? In the LEARN model, which is illustrated in the Case Study below,28,29 the physician should first sympathetically listen to the patient's perception of the problem, explain his or her perception of the problem to the patient, acknowledge and discuss any differences and similarities between the two views, recommend a treatment plan, and negotiate agreement.30 Use of the LEARN technique identifies and helps resolve any cultural differences that may arise. While not considering Hispanics as a distinct race, the U.S. Census (utilizing federally delineated categories) defines someone "Hispanic" or "Latino" as "a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Her face lights up when you share this. Volume 13 Issue 3 | Cancer Discovery | American Association for Cancer Abdominal pain may be attributed to empacho, or food stuck in the intestine. 4Center for Disease Control and Prevention, "Leading Causes of Death," accessed at; and Richard Allen Williams, "Cultural Diversity, Health Care Disparities, and Cultural Competency in American Medicine," Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Vol. Allow extra visit time for patients with limited English proficiency, Hire bilingual staff and physicians, and encourage existing staff to learn Spanish, Make printed and Web-based cultural information available to staff, Offer flexible scheduling: patients may be seen in sign-in order rather than fixed appointments, Post bilingual or Spanish-language signage, Provide cultural sensitivity training for staff (e.g., monthly lunchtime discussions, in-service training, a bulletin board devoted to cultural issues, ethnic food potlucks), Provide culture-specific interventions in nursing care plans, Provide interpretation services for patients with limited English, proficiency (required under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act); whenever possible, try to avoid using patient's family or friends as interpreters, Provide Spanish-language medical handouts and patient forms, Recognize Latino holidays (e.g., Cinco de Mayo [May 5], Day of the Three Kings [January 6]). Cysticercosis is caused by consumption of contaminated with pork tapeworm. Plants are used on their own, or mixed together to form herbal remedies. Visit SAMHSA on Twitter The final commentary, drawing on the others, seeks to join the issues from an explicitly bioethical perspective. Free and confidential support for people in distress, 24/7, Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator Courtney Parker, CC BY. This consortium study defined distinct somatic cancer gene mutation patterns by race/ethnicity and sex among patients with early-onset colorectal cancer (CRC), yielding novel biological clues into early-onset CRC disparities. Cultural Humility and Counseling Hispanic and Latino Populations - NAADAC Additionally, when a woman gets married, her husband's name may be appended to her father's name. Web-based resources are available to assist physicians in understanding Latino health beliefs (Table 4). The U.S. Latino population is also quite young relative to the general U.S. population; in 2007, the median age for the former was 27.6, compared to 36.6 for the latter.2. The material in this section is part of a larger project by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics on culturally competent care; that is, health care that is sensitive to the differing values and needs of cultural subgroups within our pluralistic society. SAMHSA will be highlighting the important role each of us has in maintaining a healthy life and ensuring a productive future. 10Mead et. placed on religious beliefs in the maintenance of health and the treatment of illness. For those who have a serious mental health disorder, around 44 percent did not receive treatment. Racial/Ethnic and Sex Differences in Somatic Cancer Gene Mutations among Patients with Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer. For literate patients, it may be helpful to write things down, even if this must be done in English rather than Spanish. They are also far more likely than whites to feel that they are treated unfairly by providers or by the medical system.8, These gaps and dissatisfactions become even more troubling in the context of significant disparities in access to health insurance and to the health care system in general. It is important to explore the use of alternative therapies and belief in traditional folk illnesses, recognizing that health beliefs are dependent on education, socioeconomic status, and degree of acculturation. They are written by health care providers and others who work with the relevant Latino sub-community. Opioid and Illicit Drug Use Among the Hispanic/Latino Populations 17Delese Wear, "Insurgent Multiculturalism: Rethinking How and Why We Teach Culture in Medical Education," Academic Medicine 78/6 (June 2003): 549-554. Many Latinos are accustomed to self-treating because most pharmaceuticals are available without prescription in their home countries. Spanish language handouts are available from several Internet sources.33 Recruiting Latino physicians and staff, and recognizing Latino holidays at the office (e.g., Cinco de Mayo), will open many doors to the Latino community.34 Office staff, as well as physicians, should be instructed in basic cultural sensitivity (Table 5).34,35 Hospitals can include culturally appropriate foods in their menus. 3 Essentially, a curandero or curandera removes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual illnesses or imbalances. 50 percent of those with no usual health care provider are at least high school graduates. Remedies used for common pediatric illnesses and for the traditional folk illnesses: mal ojo(evil eye), empacho(blocked intestine), mollera caida(fallen fontanelle), and susto(fright). The Bracero program, a guest worker program started in 1942, was designed to bring experienced agricultural laborers to the U.S. from Mexico and led to a huge influx of Mexican immigrants. After some negotiation, she agrees to see a dietitian and a bilingual counselor, and agrees to take just two medications, metformin (Glucophage) and lisinopril (Zestril), although she understands that they will not make her feel better right away. 4 Another. PDF Folk Medicine and Traditional Healing Basics - NATIONAL CENTER FOR The same is also applies to the substance abuse treatment. A mother might use cooling herbs to treat diaper rash, a hot condition. Our Future. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. However, the most useful technique is teach back or show me: having patients repeat their care instructions until they do it correctly. A chaperone is often appreciated if a same-sex physician is not available. America is rapidly changing as a cultural collision between Latino and white culture transforms lives on both sides of the border. Chagas Disease Is a Consideration in Latino Patients,,,,,,, Healing Methods - Exploring Hispanic Culture Hispanic Ethnicity and Breast Cancer: Disaggregating Surgical 9Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, and Jessica Smith, "Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2006," Current Population Reports, U.S. Census Bureau, August 2007; and Mead et. First-generation immigrants are likely to seek out curanderos, whereas their children may scoff at the idea. She has lost 10 lb (4.5 kg), and for the first time has acceptable blood pressure and fasting glucose levels. Culturally Competent Care for Latino Patients They also must beware of the tendency toward "othering"; that is, the penchant to understand non-dominant groups as inferior, exotic, or deviant.17 Some efforts at cultural competence may incline toward these unhelpful postures.