You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Jira smart values - issues | Automation for Jira Data Center and Server Or you could count how many issues have the same label, same fixVersion, etc. [Custom Field].description}} - Returns the text displayed below the custom field viewed in the Simple Search column. {{issue.parent.epic.summary}} - Returns the summary of the parent issue's epic. Used with: the Send web request action (Wait for response enabled). Try adding.accountId after coordinator (so{{#if(issue.assignee.equals(issue.coordinator.accountId))}}. You must be a registered user to add a comment. it is not supported in server version now. Triggers can be set to run manually, based on a condition you set or scheduled. Only one word but It changes the whole picture. {{fieldChange.from}}- Returns the previous raw value, e.g. See all smart values related to accessing Jira project details. Automation is currently available in Jira Software Cloud and Confluence Cloud. I would like to use this in a reminder email, that is sent to two people, using as source two different people fields. A representation of a release/version in Jira. Returns information related to all feature flags created in throughout the rule or branch, as a list. Through the dot notation you can access fields like issue type, status and custom fields (details on how you can use these to interact with Jira's REST api arehere). {{issue.description}} - Returns the content in the issue'sDescriptionfield. 2020-07-20T07:00:00.0+0000. {{version.releaseDate}} - Returns the version's release date. If you're not using a Sprint Trigger, I don't believe it's possible to locate the active Sprint via smart values. {{}} returns the name of the feature flag. {{}} - Returns the comment authors. Go to templates. E.g. Some issue properties are more complex, and theyve been described in their own sections on this page. If you've already registered, sign in. {{assignee.displayName}} - Returns the assignee, {{reporter.displayName}} - Returns the reporter, {{}} - Returns the issue type, {{resolution}} - Returns the resolution status, {{created}} - Returns the date the issue was created, {{updated}} - Returns the date the issue was updated, {{Story Points}} - Returns the story points for the issue (company-managed Jira Software), {{Story point estimate}} - Returns the story points for the issue (team-managed Jira Software). Navigate to your project in Jira. You can also use this with, . {{issue.duedate}} - Returns theissue's due date. View topic Examples of using math expression smart values In this component, we use the following settings:The email address of the reporter is captured in the smart value {{reporter.emailAddress}}, but we need to use it in a URL and therefore will use the smart value {{reporter.emailAddress.urlEncode . Learn more about date and time smart values. This can be obtained by sending a webhook to a webhook test site (like or by intercepting the message by enabling Jira's HTTP access logs and HTTP dump from the System > Logging and Profilingscreen and then checking the request data. Can be used with both Approval required and Approval completed triggers: {{approval.createdDate}} - Returns creation date of approval. {{}} -Returns the issue's type, for exampleStory,Bug, orTask. If multiple values are changed, use # to iterate over these. TEST-123-some-feature, {{branch.url}} returns the URL of the branch, e.g. {{}}: Returnstrue if their account is active, andfalse if not. - theIssue transitionedtrigger). Suggestion re: {{approval}} Smart Value and subfields - Atlassian {{commit.hash}} returns the SHA1 hash of the commit, e.g.4877576951f3eda43625d3345058e702dad3df0d. The rule actor is the user who executes a rule. The following example sums all of the story points for issues returned from the JQL search. I found both of these smart values seemed to work: If neither of these work for you, there are a few other options in those linked questions you can try :), {{}} returns only the sprint that started and which triggered this automation event. This can be almost anything you want. Platform Notice: Cloud, Server, and Data Center - This article applies equally to all platforms. {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}}, {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers.displayName}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices.tier}}, {{issue.Request Type.currentStatus.status}}, {{ Create a sample project and follow all of the breadcrumbs in the audit log of the rule details. And we have lots more automation templates and guides for you to use and learn from in the automation template library. They often contain sub-tasks, are stories that are part of a larger epic, or are simply linked to other issues using certain relationships. The following smart values are available to access and format development information from a connected source code management tool. If multiple values are changed (e.g. {{deployment.environment}} returns information related to the deployment environment. They are variables in the sense that their actual values will be calculated while the automation rule is being executed: You can use two types of smart values: Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. {{}} returns the name of the repository. Automation for Jira has a trigger that reads incoming webhooks, both in on-premises and cloud intances. What goes around comes around! I've tested it on my instance and it yielded only 1 sprint (out of 3 that are ongoing). Now whenever this field changes in Jira, this automation rule kicks in. The Atlassian Community can help you and your team get more value out of Atlassian products and practices. If this issue is a sub-task, then parent refers to the parent issue. Learn more about user smart values. {{versions.archived}}- Returnstrueif the affects version is archived, andfalseif not. :{{}}. Seeaccesing multi-value fields, Added by: This is added any time an issue is added. With the 're-fetch issue data' action (which I seldom use), I noticed that this can put the automation execution on-hold for the whole 5 seconds! With our simple no-code rule builder, you can create automation rules to take care of everything from the most simple repetitive tasks to the most complex scenarios - all in a few clicks. Accesses the previous issue created in the rule. The only situation where this is necessary, is where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of the issue (e.g. To get a concrete example, let's consider the payload below: Here are some examples of ways to test the JSON path to get the right data in the smart values, so you can get it right on your first try! A list of issues generated by a trigger that runs a JQL search (Incoming Webhooktrigger orScheduledtrigger when set to process in bulk). Jira smart values - issues To test what your smart value returns, use the manual trigger with log action and the result displays in the audit log. {{}} returns the use-provided name for the environment, e.g. Please raise suggestion ticket in our public tracker, Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. {{approval}} - Returns the name of the approval. I would like to use this in a reminder email, that is sent to two people, using as source two different people fields. {{changelog.issuetype}} - Changelog information for theIssue type field. {{issue.fixVersions.released}} - Returnstrue if the fix version is released, andfalseif not. You were right, the rule was running too quickly, so the field was empty.I modify de trigger to give it time, and got the result expected. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many watchers), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual component. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Smart value of trigger issue in automation. @Daniel Ramotowski, more people seem to be interested in this functionality, as there was already a ticket open for ! For more information on when issues is available, see, Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail in, Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate, "Customer Request Type" in older instances of Jira. In Linux/Mac OS, use a jq command, such as: In Windows, we can use Powershell's ConvertFrom-Json: Working with incoming webhook data in Automation for Jira. Possible states are production, staging, testing, development, and unknown, Used with: the Sprint created, Sprint started and Sprint completed triggers. Looking forward to see it implemented soon! If this issue is in an Epic, then epic refers to the Epic issue. I recall there are suggestions in the backlog to add "wait until the prior step finishes" or "delay X seconds" actions. This value supports Date and Time functions. The spacing format is mentioned in the following article: Smart-value-in-published-article-doesn-t-work. See, This allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhook, Added by: Send web request with "Wait for response" checked. Smart values are one of the most potent ways to do so. Send a daily Slack message with a list of issues still open in the Sprint. Seeaccesing multi-value fields.Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate. Triggers will listen for events in Jira, such as when an issue is created or when a field value is changed. Is there a way to similar functionality in Jira-Server? Is the IF statement available for Server version? Accesses the details of a subtask's parent issue. {{createdBranches.product}} - returns the products that the branches were created in. Affects version of an issue as a list. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. {addedfieldChange.valueIds}} - Returns the id/ids of new value/values added. A good tip for checking your progress is to say aloud what you have built so far: Whenever the field value changes for story points AND it is a sub-task. this is only available for some triggers. For more information on when issues is available, seeRun a rule against issues in bulk. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. Developers. For smart values related to the Insight feature in Jira Service Management, see Jira smart values - Assets. Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. Note that this will return an encoded URL; everything after will look different from what you see here. Is the IF statement available for Server version? Jira smart values - issues | Automation for Jira Data Center and Server