Plot bunny from Allexandrya. They leave out a few details on Harry though and after being misplaced in time he is forced to cope with those pesky details. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, mysterious side pairings Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Summary:Lucius enjoys his reward after Voldemort won the war. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco Rating: NC-17 Author: Moon Babe Author: lidane The Orchard of Shattered Dreams, part 1 of The Orchard and its Bonus Works series His Happy Summary: Whilst wallowing in a world of self-pity, Harry is kidnapped by vengeful Death Eaters. Now as the new Dark Lord he hunts down those that betrayed him, waiting for the day that he will be able to join his husband. Pairings: Harry/Draco (mainly), Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Other Warnings: underage, non con Summary: Harrys daughter-in-law has a strange family tradition. Damn You, Riddle! Author: AwfulLawful Summary: A series of Vignettes chronicles the fall of Wizarding Society, the rise of the Dark, and the resistance. What I Would Give, part of the So-There series Rating: PG-13 Ebony ne Potter didnt realize that wishing at the stone circle would bring her to a younger version of her husband, who would fall in love with her. Author: knightmare Warnings: non con parody Author: aisling Alone With the Dark Warnings: non con, BDSM Author: Sinclairum Little Bundle of Joy Warnings: slavery, dark!fic Warnings: breathplay, sex toys Summary: Ever since Voldemorts near-defeat three years past, Hazel Potters health has been in steady decline. Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Meant To Be Quarter Notes Disagreement On the Carriage Warnings: abuse, torture, non con, violence Author: Kindred Rating: NC-17 Turning the Tide Warnings: non con, AU Author: ladycat777 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Sirius With Hermione as their guide, they try to act normal while waiting for the time to get back to the past. Harry felt so lucky to be his. This is a dark story but has bits of hope and a better tomorrow. Summary: Harry receives a very special present for his birthday. Author: ohmymarylou Rating: NC-17 Warnings: drabble Summary:There was no doubt at all, that it was Lucius vocation. Author: amanuensis& srichard Rating: NC-17 Author: Iulia Linnea Warnings: AU Summary: Harry is missing and presumed dead, so his will is read with surprising results. Rating: NC-17 Author: eowyns_elixure Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Catch Summary: Harry and Lucius unwittingly do something nice for the holidays. Rating: T The Boy who Lived, a slave? Summary: Harry falls asleep to the clanging of chains about his wrists and dreams of the days he can never forget. Author: Lomonaaeren And the reason why they are always late. By any means necessary. Summary: Things arent always what they appear to be. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, abuse Rating: NC-17 Summary: No summary provided. Author: Daisee Chain Warnings: non con, underage, bloodplay, violence I refuse to apologize. Breathe Rating: M Warnings: non con Warnings: non con, BDSM, violence, enslavement, bloodplay, torture Certain Blond Author: pissedoffeskimo Father Figure Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Freedoms Not So Free Summer Fun Warnings: mentions of Harry/Hermione Warnings: hypothermia Author: Rushlight Author: wyomingnot Warnings: AU, non con, underage (17) Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Remus Summary: Harry, can I ask you something? ~ Mm, you know you can, Harry said Why do you fuck my father?. Author: Marks Summary: After awakening with Lucius, Harry is in no doubt that he likes cock, Lucius almost more than his own. Pairings: Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Bellatrix/Lestranges, Harry/Others Control Will Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter bow to the new laws of the land? Can they survive everything thrown their way or will they find themselves in over their heads? Summary: Lord Voldemort employs an unusual method to test Lucius Malfoys loyalties using Harry Potter. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: AU Author: Alien_Slushie Author:Black Gargie Persuasion* He only wants one thing. Author:MarauderNextGen Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Ambush An Enemys Love Scarification Rating: T It hadnt, even after almost three years. Sequel: Just Once Encounters Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco To what lengths will they go to win? Author: EntreNous Warnings: D/s, bonding fic, spanking Summary: After running from the wedding Harry must decide how to go on with life. Author:Meatball Author: Bishmonster Ebony and Silver Summary: Desperate to have a family Harry Potter answers an ad in a Gay Wizarding Magazine. Salvation There is another who longs to be with Harry, to show him how he should be loved but Harrys creature mates for life. On his birthday he comes into his creature inheritance, unbeknownst to him. Author: JBankai89 Author: thehalfboodprincess Rating: T Summary: Harrys dream has walked into his life, will he survive? Find the Way Radix Acclaro* Rating: NC-17 Warnings: underage, incest, threesome, DP, OOC Ownership* Hed outlived that. And Lucius isnt one to waste an opportunity. He thinks. Author: isiscolo Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Well smut. AO3**| FFN | Chinese translation | Czech translation, Black Satin Summary: A room with one purpose can drive the best of men to madness. How will his lover welcome him? Warnings: non con, slavery, toys, AU Free Bird Summary: Snape has a fantasy. Rating: Not provided and whores. Summary: A completely unredeemable, non con PWP. Summary: Challenge drabble: pairing and title provided. I Hope I Die Before I Get Sold AS: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI. They write things like this. *~In the original masterlist (last updated in 2011) Disobedience is listed as written by Veritas/moltensulfur. See what happens. Author: Anne Phoenix Absurdity* ; . Harry realizes Dumbledore has been lying to him and that his friends arent his friends. Rating: R Not As Easy As It Looks Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus He ends up in a place he never thought he could be. And why does Cedric look so sad? Author: leontinabowie Little by little he remembers his past life, but Harry Potter no longer exists. Rating: NC-17 Summary: How do you navigate a relationship when your magic knows better than your own head? Thanks to Lucius Malfoy. Summary: Every long road has a turning eventually; Luciuss ex-lover Severus and Severuss lover Harry will help him find it. Rating: Not provided Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Slashcity | Czech translation | Chinese translation | Russian translation. When he finds the perfect companion, he comes to realise he got more than he bargained for. Voldemort is now the only constant in his life, the only one he can truly trust. Summary: Back at Hogwarts, Harry must deal with being thrust back into the limelight and everything else including Snape. Warnings: dub con, CNC Summary: Voldemort won the final battle. Author:Jendra Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Author: Pastel_Pink_and_Peace_Signs Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Other Summary: The day of reckoning has arrived. Yet he was. Summary: In order to outwit a Slytherin, one must first learn to think like a Slytherin. Tiger, Tiger Author: scarletscarlet (ships_harry) The Way To A Mans Heart* Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius The Way You Look Tonight Things went from bad to worse, and strangely enough, this was even true for those that had supported Voldemort. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Snape, Lucius/Harry, Severus/Harry Summary:Lucius is spying on our precious Harry Potter, but apparently the boywholived wants to be theboywholivednomore. Summary: The experiences of a prisoner of war. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Remus Summary: What if Harry Potter went back in time, fell in love with Lucius, and then was forced to return to the present? Rating: PG Summary: Changes at the Ministry affect the lives of two prominent citizens greatly. Prima Nocta* Lucius thinks there is no better seduction than whirling together on the dance floor. Warnings: character death, self-harm In his final moments he tries to tell a special person why they were only ALMOST loved. Show me that you are more than just another failure. AU from Deathly Hallows Malfoy Manor chapter. Author: forestgreen / Erin LaCroix Rating: NC-17 Apollos Lovers Seducing a Malfoy Rating: R Harry & Lucius | FanFiction Summary: Well, Lucius, if he was captured in your home, you should do the honours. Rating: PG Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Lucius/Draco Author: abstractconcept Author: minna chan Then, during sex, Lucius reverts back to his actual self, how does Harry take the news? Summary: Harrys search for the Horcruxes is cut short when he is captured and thrown into a life of sexual servitude to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Summary: 3 Months ago, my ex-lover and my father both pulled their heads out of their arses and got together, with help from me. Summary: Harry sits in the dark. Warnings: darkfic, underage, dubcon, some undertones of consensual incest, child abuse Author: keikokin Summary: Anti Lucius/Harry. Simple Product Once Upon A Wedding Author: ms_anthrophy Warnings: incest, mpreg Author: xxxiliveforthefuturexxx Author: Writcraft Rating: R Author: marksmom Because if there is been anyone in his miserable life who loves him, its the stranger he met as a child, the stranger who gave him a gift and never wanted anything in return besides Harrys happiness. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lord Abraxas Malfoy weds his seventeen year-old omega son to Lord Cygnus Black, but after enduring five years in a dreadful marriage, Lucius has yet to give his lord husband a male heir. Summary: Heather Anne Potter becomes Voldemorts daughter in magic at his resurrection due to strange interference with the magics invoked as his human horcrux. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus(/Other), Severus/Lucius, implied Lucius/Narcissa Author: Anne Phoenix Author: Captain Rachel Smith Two Snakes and a Lion Or What The Animagus Saw* Summary: Come to me, a certain someone whispered to him, imploring him. Warnings: no sex, body modifications Rating: R Deaths Season Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The more time Lucius spends around Potter, the more he falls for the boy. Warnings: non con, underage, violence, bloodplay Pity that didnt help them at all in deciding how to get out of it. The Ghost and The Coldness Fight, if you can win, flight if you cant. Author: Sestra_Prior Summary:Harry gets bored at another ministry function, so the men decide to spice things up a bit. Im not calling him father, Father!,part 1 of the Im not calling him father, Father! series Fluff and smut of course! They could bring out the sunlight on a rainy day and make you stronger for what you would do for them. Dream Lovers* Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter is Voldemorts private property much to Lucius consternation. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R To Me Warnings: BDSM, age play, crossdressing, check notes for more Harry has the worst Summer of his life, to make matters worse someone is after him, but after seeing the young wizard suffer, who would want to do him anymore harm? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Other(s) But then he discovered something his parents left behind for him that has him questioning whats going on. And Harry has enough trouble with logical deduction without those blasted butterflies. What will Draco do? Author: Anne Phoenix Lucius whispered huskily, nipping at Harry's ear and squeezing his erection. Author: gerbilion Author: Nimori Rating: NC-17 Author: LinW Rating: M Author: Twisted Mind Author: SlytherinSan Author: scarletscarlet/ships_harry Summary: The Dark Lord was resurrected only five years after he fell from power in 1981. And Just Plain Wrong* Author: Atropa/a_belladonna Warnings: mpreg, underage Warnings: gender change, dub con Becoming Undone Summary: A slaves thoughts as his Master sleeps on. Rating: NC-17 Bet (on you) Though in this, hes a good guy and not a wimp like in the movies. Rating: R Summary: As the Ministry celebrates the final victory over the Dark Lord, Lucius Malfoy receives a very unusual offer. Rating: PG-13 Of Withered Leaves and the Blessed Dark Author: enoby_w Summary: So many readers asked for Lucius perspective on Harrys death, so here ya go. Ron grabs hold of Harry's head from the back and pushes it onto his cock, making Harry gag. Rating: NC-17 Short snippets from Lucius and Harry's lives. Warnings: polyamory Just as Lucius illness Harrys cure is very unique. The Joys of a Real Relationship Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary: Life isnt about playing fair, its about having confidence, and Severus has oodles of it. Warnings: implied non con Underneath Your Clothes* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco How will Harry handle becoming Lucius little lover. It was everything that the deep, dark, submissive side of Harry wanted. Author: Guede Mazaka Rating: R A Place For Harry Author: amanuensis An Even Trade Author: eaivalefay Warnings: mrpeg Author: keikokin Rating: T Walking Past Sequel: Memoirs of a Death Eater Whore: Journal One Featuring Nagini as a main character. Summary: Harry is a Dark Veela but doesnt know it until his seventeenth birthday. Summary: A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes an interest in Harry. Forced to seek the help of two former deatheaters, Harry finds himself drawn to fulfill his new found desires. There was no use denying that. Life Flows Red* Harry Potter, immune to the Veela allure because of his unrequited love for his ex-girlfriend, provides guardianship for transformed Veela against other people and their own impulses until they can find their mates. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Severus Harry and the Death Eater Author: Cluegirl gayness. How Am I Doin? Warnings: bit of violence Author: MidnightEmber Summary: During the fight at the Department of Mysteries, Harry and Lucius go into the future where they find out that theyre married and have three children. Red and White Scrolls Warnings: OOC, underage, incest Summary: Harry imagines being dominated by Lucius. Warnings: AU, torture, polyamory, threesome Undesireable* Lucius is there to hold the pieces together. Fantasies* Warnings: dark!Harry, character bashing Author: lyskasia This Is Now. Author: thorinsmistress Warnings: darkfic, non con, incest, bestiality, bloodplay, humiliation, orgasm denial, mind games, exhibitionism/voyeurism, physical punishment, multiple character death Warnings: non con, underage, torture Author: Tyrical Rating: NC-17 Challenge: 49. Warnings: darkfic, character death Can someone make him happy again? Slaveboy!Harry ponders his fate. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: underage, mentions of child abuse, mpreg, multiple partners, bonding, BDSM Shall I show you off?. Author: amethystangel Pairings: Snape/Harry, Lucius/Harry, Others/Harry Summary:Professor Malfoy would like to speak with Professor Potter after dinner. Author:emarwood Warnings: creature!fic, D/s Summary: Lucius thinks Harry needs a little discipline. Wait, whos that soaking in a bubble bath? Warnings: non con Harrys animagus form is an uncommonly handsome stallion. Warnings: implied child abuse, homophobia, self-harm, age play, established relationship If he has not been able to birth a child in five years. Warnings: torture, non con, violence sequel (written by another author): Warnings: non con Author:Bridgette_Hayden Rating: M Fathers Love Summary: Sometimes one good memory captured from overwhelming grief is better than no memories at all. Night Over Azkaban Rating: NC-17 Author: underlucius Summary:Harry finally manages to win Draco back. Smudge Rating: PG Author: moonlightreader Author: Mistress Slytherin Author: SoulAsunder Summary: Harry takes Lucius out of Azkaban to use him as a guide to Voldemorts destruction, but Lucius is tired of being helpless. Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Rating: T Author: lokifan The Unexpected Guest* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Warnings: infidelity, violence Time To Share Author: keikokin Summary: Fic for Izzy Con 2007: Year of the Cock (Rooster for you pervs out there), not betaed. Author: Bishmonster Author: Elkiem Summary:A very short, fluffy excerpt from a story I am currently working on. But with Lucius Malfoy now working for the side of light and Draco living with the Order, that might be more complicated than Harry ever imagined. Author: WithDemonWings Summary: Harry is caught between two evilsand takes them both. Warnings: female!Harry, AU, sex magic, underage, threesome Warnings: mpreg, dub con Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: R Warnings: non con, dub con, underage, bondage, D/s, violence, bloodplay, drugs, incest Together they come up with a plan to destroy Voldemort. It was frightening. Rating: PG Author: Neichan Author: RadiatorfromSpace Rating: NC-17 Summary: In the aftermath of the War, the Ministry sets up a council to get the country back on track. Their Worse Than Killing Lust*, sequel to The Dragon and His Wrath * Summary:For five years Lucius Malfoy has longed to have Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World and political extraordinaire. Being ever innocent and naive, he hopes that Malfoy Manor will be a happy new home for him, despite the fact that he is a slave there until he can work off the money they paid to buy him. Summary: Written on 8 July 2006 in response to geniusartists prompt of Harry/Lucius: bottom!Harry, recoil, and silk. Warnings: mpreg No Objections Lucius Malfoy makes a deal with Harry Potter. Author: alafaye Lucius Stories - Wattpad Not So Lonely This Christmas Summary: Lucius Malfoys heart left him twelve years ago, so how do the two react when they meet again? Rating: NC-17 Memories Are But Memories Warnings: past child abuse Author: aisling Summary:Harrys back at Hogwarts, coping with the upcoming war, Death Eaters, and unstable relationships of all types. Malfoy Manor* Spare the Rod Warnings: au, underage, character death A Vision Author: Rose Creighton Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco