2. And you may sit and read while I teach the others, and, well, if you have any questions, I shall do my best to answer them. Hello! She just picked him up, swung him around, and threw him out the . Matilda, 4 Years: MR WORMWOOD google_color_border="EDC7C2"; No. Get in the car, Melinda! The world's greatest acrobat! But it's a truth empirical. Thank you for suggesting it. Ciao, Rudolpho. MISS TRUNCHBULL Her mind is incredible. "AMANDA" drops from the rafters above the audience into a pile of coats underneath her. No one's gonna tell you when to shake your tush. You seem to think that people like people what are clever. front bottom. If you're being smart with me, young lady, you're going to be punished. MATILDA starts pouring the hair dye into the Oil of Violets bottle. You'd better hide! And right now, we are eating dinner and watching TV! Agatha Trunchbull: You have to stay inside the circle all the time. MISS TRUNCHBULL Can I ask you a question? [talks to the woman librarian] I'm competing in the Bi-Annual International Amateur Salsa and Ballroom Dancing Championships in Paris. [hands the car drill to Mikey, then walks to Matilda] Trunchbull: Chew your food; you're an animal! Why would she want some snotty, disobedient kid? But the girl's aunt was a mean person, who treated the girl very badly. If you are having fun, you are not learning. Cancelled, because my wife is . Now, eat it. . In . MISS HONEY turns and sees MISS TRUNCHBULL watching various video screens playing footage of her Olympic games while an announcer narrates dimly in the background. MISS HONEY, BIG KIDS, and CHILDREN Let's leave maths for the time being . Agatha, This is Magnus. [after smashing the entire cake platter over Bruce Bogtrotter's head, causing the children to stop cheering] I will get you like you got me. No one is as handsome, strong as me. Pathetic, little me. Oh, Matilda! I'll come in there and pound your miserable hide! MISS TRUNCHBULL hurries over to AMANDA. Because basically a sentence is just a big bunch of words. The other dancers and judges exit, leaving MRS WORMWOOD and RUDOLPHO in a dramatic position. MISS TRUNCHBULL Please! They embrace and exit out the back of the stage. The condition is characterised by the sufferer experiencing bouts of chronic fatigue, and falling suddenly asleep, often without knowing, or any warning at all. MRS WORMWOOD Ooh, me, me, me, miss! Please! MISS HONEY enters and erases the board. Come on! [She underlines the sentence on the board.]. The woman from COUPLE 1 blows on a birthday cake as the table splits in two and MATILDA stands from behind it, holding a collection of books from one hand. On a boat, in a car, with your toes all curled - Oh, the places we'll go when I rock your world. MATILDA We never thought it was possible, MRS PHELPS enters. I am trying to pull off the biggest business deal of my life and I have to listen to this. Yesterday, she caught Julius Rottwinkle eating a gobstopper during science. Oh, my word, he's an ugly little thing. 9. Yes, please. The ACROBAT enters from the back of the stage, and the ESCAPOLOGIST takes her by the hand. A beautiful, beautiful little girl. Miss Honey: Is a miracle! Agatha Trunchbull: Yes. [speaking to Matilda about her and her father] Bambinatum! You have brats yourself? School is really fun, according to my mum. In a manner of speaking, yes. Has my daddy told ya Well, Matilda Wormwood. You can use it even after you've hugged them once, too - but don't use it too much, or it will lose impact. Harry Wormwood: The Secret Garden . You're getting on a plane, Mrs Wormwood? MRS WORMWOOD MRS PHELPS And this . I slave all day, and you're entertaining a couple of surfer dude bodybuilders! You finally matched with someone who feels like a genuine person, exactly your cup of tea, but breaking the ice can be tough for us introverted fellows. Or even two, Bruce, You oughtn't blame yourself now, come along. ". That is v . Mrs. C, Mrs. U, Mrs. L-T-Y! It's Miss Honey. My idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children at all. The sooner you're locked up in that school, the better. Instead he said, "When a person is bad", and thereby introduced a revolutionary idea: that children could punish their parents. Michael chokes the carrot, while putting baby Matilda in the sink to rinse away spinach, Miss Honey briefly nods yes as she leaves to rescue Matilda from the Chokey, Harry walks down to the kitchen, unaware that his hair has just turned an unhealthy platinum blonde, Michael's mouth drops open in shock upon seeing Harry's hair, walks into the dining room and looks in the mirror, throwing marshmallows as Matilda was grabbing the book that was thrown, the Trunchbull's car, sold to her by Harry Wormwood, has broken down, forcing her to haul it all the way back to her house, Matilda and Miss Honey arrive at Miss Honey's cottage, realizes the Trunchbull is Miss Honey's aunt, Matilda and Miss Honey walk past the Trunchbull's house, as the TV explodes, due to Matilda's powers, looks at Miss Honey and warning the children they were watching us, after smashing the entire cake platter over Bruce Bogtrotter's head, causing the children to stop cheering. Dad said I'd learn the alphabet! Mustn't let a little thing like "little" stop you. Your parents must be so proud to have a girl as clever as you. COUPLE 3 8. If they start to squeeeeze out of your ears, you're going to need help. Indeed, sir. Bambinatum! See, I know your headmistress. MR WORMWOOD 40 Best Pick-Up Lines From Around The World That Actually Work - mondly.com If,1,null Matilda Pick Up Lines. And Even if you put in heaps of eFfort, Harry Wormwood had unintentionally given his daughter the first practical advice she could use. . MICHAEL gets up and MR WORMWOOD sits down on his recliner. So you're Wormwood, are you? Jenny: This is Rudolpho! [chanting with the rest of the class] . to the rules. Everything was arranged by [She pulls her coat over her head to simulate a hunchback, and grabs a large book.] [reciting the words as Matilda magically writes them on the blackboard] The table stops and the hands hit the ground. MATILDAThe moved into a beautiful old house at the edge of town, and in the evenings, they would walk and take the air. And I shall crush you. . Oh, yes, she's definitely advanced! 100 Best Nerdy Pick Up Lines | Reader's Digest It was like the entire world went silent for that [to the FBI agents, as they rummage through her parents' garage looking for car parts] The hat rack is taken away. Because she's a spectacularly wonderful child and I love her. A single slice, 3. Look at you trying to hide, silly. Nonsense. MR WORMWOOD I didn't do anything! We've curated this list of inspiring 'Matilda' quotes from the book and the movie. [cutting off Harry's hat with scissors] Matilda turns around and carrot is facing her. Finally, he grabs an individual page in glee. Zinnia Wormwood: Let me tell you something, son. The lawyer who defended you would have gone to college, too. MISS HONEY [Harry and Zinnia are leaving the hospital with the baby]. MISS HONEY Cheesy Valorant Agent Pick-Up Lines : r/VALORANT - reddit It's a library book! MR WORMWOOD The distance the shotput goes, depends upon the effort that you PUT INTO IT. MR WORMWOOD You MISS HONEY This is the cottage from your story! I believe that . Two times . Since you're an educator, I'll make you a deal. Don't take me to Chokey! Agatha Trunchbull: Have a marshmallow. MR WORMWOOD You have to put it right . A shrimp. Didn't we? Oh, my good Lord! "Lovely"? My school is a model of discipline! . 3. The library? Miracle! CHILDREN Tricks!" She's reading a book. DOCTOR Some will grow to be butchers, or bakers, or candlestick makers.