It is through your power that I was created. Matthew 8:26 But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 24 Short Prayers for the Family of Amen. Amen. Let Your perfect love cast out all of my fears related to our relationship. I saw a circle appear in a swirling dark but smoky hole of a dark depression like I was in side of this unexplainable sorrow I heard all the mothers who were crying, yelling, whelping some in the distant some were closer I felt awful for them and then the fact that I would become part of it I was scared everything the doctors was telling me about this condition and treatment options for my only daughter became overwhelming for me. Their affliction is not physical, but we know that they are also in pain. So wherever there is a sickness, there is an opportunity for God to display his glory. 10 Powerful Prayers for Thank you for your love, and for your promises to your children. I believe in the healing power of faith and prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of my friend. For these, we pray in Jesus name. Please reach down and surround my friend with supernatural peace and strength and give her the faith to believe that all things are possible for you. May I always remember and have great faith in Your words. The burdens. Allow them to live their lives to the fullest, free of any illness that may come their way, as I did in mine. Clear their minds of any doubt, anxiety, or depression. I love them so dearly, so help me to be All that you, would give out through me. We believe that you are our Healer, our Great Physician. You shall not fear the terror of the night. Really they gave me no options just cut off the leg. WebFor a Sick Friend O Holy Spirit, please come like a dove Shield and protect now the one that I love. Let the warmth of your healing love pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function. A Prayer for Healing Sick Family and Friends Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [ name of the person who needs healing ]. Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us.Lord, cleanse us from our sins.Master, pardon our transgressions.Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities,for your names sake. Thank You for new revelation. In the second paragraph of the prayer there is a huge misprint -Heal your sons and daughters and revile them Im guessing you meant to revive not revile. You are Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals. Dear God, we commit to you those in our families who have fallen sick. Prayers for Healing A household individual who has been in serious constant contact with someone who subsequently was dismissed with CoVid19, deliberately came downstairs and picked up my baby and started kissing and talking to him breathing all over him before I could get him and take him away. Prayers 1. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Which is why we ask You to always be the center of our family relationships. May You,Lord Jesus,bless us all and heal us all and make us all whole again. Help me to demonstrate trust in you to my family. I pray with thanksgiving and reverence to your sovereignty and reign toward us your children. Prayers for Healing Forgive them of all the sins they have committed, fix them and their broken hearts, and be the spiritual shelter they need in this chaotic world. There are times in our families when we fight and bicker with each other. You lift us up when we are down. Prayers and discussion during the COVID-19 pandemic. WebFor all who have contracted coronavirus, We pray for care and healing. We believe that you are our Healer, our Great Physician. So I prayed and prayed for a answer for God to tell me or show me the path I needed to take the Doctors surgeons came into our room was telling me that amputation maybe the only way for us to fight this cancer handed me papers to sign and they would be back in the morning for the papers. Healing from Physical Illness Prayer. In Jesus name, Amen. For the families who have lost loved ones, we pray for your peace. Father I know that we are weak but lord you are our strength. You know the pain we've carried. We ask this through the precious blood of your son, Jesus. There's so much I don't understand about life. Lord, I come before you today in need of your healing hand. Thank you, Lord, that your love has been poured out in my heart, by the Holy Spirit who lives in me. He (or she) was brought low, but Thou hast helped him (her). And to let God speak to that and to comfort us, to bring wisdom into that part of our lives. But I do know that with one touch, one word, you can make me whole. Fill me with the peace and joy I know can only come from You during this hard time. Coronavirus I pray that my discomforts will turn to comforts, my pains to gains, my deprivation to more blessings, my losses to profits, my tear to smiles, my sorrows to pleasures, my illness to wellness, my debts to credits and my dreams to realities. Remind us that as we are praying, you are equally blessing us with equal joy, love, hope, and courage and preparing us before we go to heaven. Gracious God, I call on you right now in a special way. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness and mercies everyday! May it continue to be a sanctuary of blessing, comfort, and love for each one of us. Amen. Cover us with the blood of your son Jesus Christ. Even when my faith is weak, you say it is enough, and my love for you is strong. We believe that You will always grant us the endurance to overcome any obstacle that may come our way. Cover their wounds with Your grace feathered wings, Shield them from sorrow, breathe hope songs within. When I was a young teen I was told I couldnt have children. Welcome those who have passed on into the joy of your eternal home, a home where there is no more sickness nor pain. Be our protection against all the works of evil that seek to destroy our family. Prayer for the Coronavirus to Pray with Your Family Praise the name of the Lord. Grant them the physical healing they need, and let your healing hand save them from certain death. A Prayer for Those Who Are Ill with Coronavirus Father God, You are the ultimate Healer. In your name, I pray, Amen. Allow no evil to influence their hearts. Carry them high far above till they see Your rainbow of promise, real hope lies ahead. I declare that I am blessed, made whole and set apart for your use. A Prayer for Healing Sick Family or Friends Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [ name of the person who needs healing ]. Fill me with Your truth and compel me to fearlessly tell the truth with love. Thank you that you will never leave us, and that you bring us a peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you that you will never waste our pain and suffering. I am blessed and made whole. May we seek comfort from God whenever sick or depressed and know that He will console our mind, body, and spirit. Your word says in Psalm 107:19-20 that when we call out to you the Eternal one you will give the order, heal and rescue us from certain death. I need Your specific directions on how to interact with ______. They are like a spring that overflows with goodness. Whatever the enemy plans for evil, You will turn into good for your children. WebA Coronavirus Prayer #1. I began searching for prayers to pray for people who got the virus and having something that was all ready written out was very helpful and as I was led by the Holy Spirit, I became more free in commanding the virus to leave and for healing. It really is. We understand the world is afraid but help us as Your children to pray for the world and live godly examples for the world to see You through is. Please help me turn from this behavior. A Prayer for Healing Sick Family and Friends Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [ name of the person who needs healing ]. Amen. Hear our prayers as we patiently ask for peace and unity in our family. This article is part of's prayer answers including famous, topical prayers and information about the power of prayer. Episcopal Prayer. Prayers for Healing I look forward to better times. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! You know exactly why I have been ill for so long. Please lift me out of this pit and show me the way, Lord. I ask, in the name of Jesus, that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. Thank you. I pray that this morning. Amen & Amen. Amen I come in agreement with You May the Lord come quickly to aid in Jesus Name. Guard our home as well, God, that no harm will fall on it as we are away. Bring healing to them and help them live again in eternal life with you, as you promised. If there is a particular prayer that resonates with you, bookmark this page or write down the prayer to remember at a later time. Heavenly Father, thank You for renewing our hearts and minds. We bless Thee, that Thou hast heard our prayer, and commanded deliverances for our friend and Thy servant, who has been under Thine afflicting hand. Prayer for Healing of those afflicted with Coronavirus. Guard their hearts so that they may only display love instead of hate, anger, or bitterness. All is Well, By the blood of Jesus the World is HEALED HALLELUJAH AMEN. I ______________ (what you did), which was a sin against you, as well as a sin against __________ (who you hurt). My prayers to this nation and all who are infested by the Coronavirus. WebPrayer for Healing Merciful Lord, You are our Creator, and you are our Healer. Remove all fear, Lord, and replace this fear with affirmation from your word. Bless our policy makers our President and all the doctors nurses paramedical practitioners and scientists studying this virus activity within our nation to give them great strength and energy to not tire and to continue with their work to curve the spread of this deadly disease. Family is the foundational unit of society. I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. Heavenly Father, we turn our hearts to you. You are utterly faithful, and you have never failed us. Do hear me as I say my prayer for my precious daughter. I declare that today,dear God, Renew in them a peaceful spirit, Lord. O Lord the oil of your healing flows through me like a living stream. Thank you for the blood of Jesus covering us from all diseases. And so, I cast down everything of the enemy and forbid it to operate in my territory. For these, we pray in Jesus name. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. I will begin ________________ (how youll change) instead of what I have done. Give me the strength to move forward on the path youve laid out for me. Your blood is life and protection. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. Holy Spirit, drive away from me all forms of sickness and disease. In Jesus, I pray. Let Your Spirit fill our hearts so we can love each other just as Christ loves us. I am the Lord Lord who heals all diseases. We reach out to you, and know that you are restoring and redeeming every place of difficulty, every battle, for your greater glory. Prayer for Healing of those afflicted with Coronavirus. I thank almighty God for his Devine healing, mercy and strength upon my house hold. I ask that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. Amen. Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people at high risk of becoming severely ill from COVID-19 the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise." Thank You, Lord for giving me another day to see the beauty of your creations. Allow him to grow in your words as we say our prayers together before sleeping, eating, and doing our daily routines. WebFor all who have contracted coronavirus, We pray for care and healing. Give us health of mind and body so that we who suffer under sin may overcome and win the victory in you;through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. Families play a critical role in our society and the holistic growth we want to achieve for our children. Remember, the big idea of the Bible is to reestablish the Garden of Eden, to take us back to the way we were, and Adam and Eve they didn't struggle with bursitis or spinal issues or crick in the neck. We believe that you are our Healer, our Great Physician. Read through this collection of healing prayers to ask God for mercy, grace, and peace for those dealing with sickness. Also enable us, Father God, to extend the same forgiveness to the members of our families whom we have hurt. Give them hope. Coronavirus Prayers Merciful God, hear our fervent prayer for all who suffer from the coronavirus. So it's essential during prayer to talk to God about what hurts us physically. But boy, he is such an example. Every heartache. I can endure anything with You by my side. She had her 1st birthday and Easter in the same weekend mom was a busy bee she started walking 4 months before she turned one. And praying for our families always is one way to achieve this goal. May we be filled to the brim with love, that it may overflow and we may share it with our families. You gave us life, and you also give us the gift of infinite joy. In Jesus Name, Amen. I plead your blood on every door post of every household. All rights reserved. For these, we pray in your name and grace. Please forgive me and help me to grow in my relationship to you and _________, whom Ive hurt. I believe in God,The Father Almighty,The Son,Our Lord Jesus Christ,and The Holy Spirit. Dear God, For affected families who are facing difficult decisions between food on the table or public safety, And everyday I wake up and she her growing the Love of our Heavenly Father has for his children is some kind of healing power no man or virus can touch the work of our creator! In the Bible, I have read of miraculous healing and I believe that you still heal the same way today. Physical Healing Prayers for Sick Family Members. You are a child of God and a sister through Christ Jesus I know this world can be unfair and dark Let me share the power of Our Lord and Savior and how much He Loves His Children This is a true story and it opened my eyes. As I raise my daughter, allow me to be as stern as I can be, but at the same time, as gentle as the breeze. Jesus, our family, has been facing attacks from the enemy in the form of sickness and disease. You demonstrated that on earth, and you still heal in miraculous ways today. Almighty Father, Thank you for your love, grace, and mercy. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Heavenly Father, we turn our hearts to you. I give you all that I am, and rest in your peace. 2. I know that you hate what their illness is doing to them/me. Bible Verses to Pray Over Your Family. No illness that is incurable in Your blessed name,Lord Jesus. Guide our way, Lord, as we go on with our lives today. In Jesus name. See the definitions & synonyms for each word below When You were on Earth, you did all things good and healed all kinds of sickness. Speed their healing if it is your will, and give them an extra measure of patienceas they wait for you to work all these things for their good (Romans 8:28);through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Also, the family is our first ministry. WebSET A Let us pray to God, who alone makes us dwell in safety: For all who are affected by coronavirus, through illness or isolation or anxiety, that they may find relief and recovery: Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. Coronavirus Restore all other families and allow them to have hope to heal, forgive one another, and find peace in each others company. I love you I enjoy your daily scriptures, its a blessings to me. We beg for deliverance and submit that no healing is too hard for the Lord if it is His will. Physical Healing Prayers for Sick Family Members. But with You, Father God, we believe that nothing is impossible. Amen, Heavenly Father, Father, we come before You to pray for those infected with this virus. I want to love _____ with a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Keeper is an independent website that provides online resources to help you strengthen your relationship with God alongside other reading supplements that are anchored to the scriptures that will truly assist you with your individual journey with the Lord. Thy will be done Photo credit: Getty Images/Katarzyna Bialasiewicz, We confess our need for you today. I trust, Lord, that this agony and suffering that is only in my head, will come to end and positivism will shine upon me as I read, hear, study, and preach the truth in the Bible. Root out any unproductive cells. Allow both care and loyalty to grow within the members of every family. Prayers for Healing I choose to bathe in these clear waters each day. TO REVIVE: restore to life, give new strength or energy to. I pray that You would, in Your mercy, give me back the health and strength I need. This is the day You have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Dear God, we commit to you those in our families who have fallen sick. Allow us to support anyones struggles and let true care overflow from every action we take. WebSET A Let us pray to God, who alone makes us dwell in safety: For all who are affected by coronavirus, through illness or isolation or anxiety, that they may find relief and recovery: Lord, hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. Let your holy mother be a good role model for us and remind us that, apart from you, our families are our refuge. Give your servants __________, __________,the health of body and soulthat they may love you with all their strength,and moved by love, do what pleases you;through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thy will be done Teach us what it is to experience real joy and enable us to show each other what this means. I plead and ask for your mercy Lord Jesus. I believe that there is no illness you cannot heal after all the bible tells of you raising people from the dead so I ask for your healing in this situation. growth we want to achieve for our children, 15 Prayers To Help The Holy Souls In Purgatory, 6 Ways To Practice Christian Mindfulness For Health Benefits. Protect them from the virus and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty and, for many, preventive isolation from loved ones. We, therefore, pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew his strength, and heal what ails him in Your loving name. According to my faith Today I claim those promises over my friend. Gracious God, Hold my lovely mum at this time of illness, watch over her when she cannot sleep, speak your love to her when she is afraid, touch and heal her weak body. Enable us to throw our cares onto you, our mighty God. We also pray that You would restore the bonds that have been broken with some of our family members. Continue to protect us, Lord, as we rest at night. Let peace reign in our homes and let compassion fill each of our hearts. Allow him to recognize the actions that will please you and those that will not. In Jesus name, Amen ~ Mary Southerland. I looked at her and said your booboo stopped hurting you thats good baby she said nope I saw a Angel and he kissed my booboo and all better now at that sec. No virus can touch me. But we also admit, God, that we are not always the lovers of peace that You want us to be. All these we ask in Your Name, Amen. Heal us and my father and mother, and give us peace of mind as you watch us in our home tonight. I started noticing her limping and she went back to crawling alot more and she cried in pain when changed her diapers. My dear Lord Jesus Christ, Build her up again, look after her emotions and may she know your loving arms are around her at this time. Ps 91:5-6. Be with their hands and feet as they serve as yours. Episcopal Prayer. Dear God, It hurts so bad. I pray that today,dear God, A Prayer for Those Who Are Ill with Coronavirus Father God, You are the ultimate Healer. The doctors walk in for the papers and I told them they were not cutting a toe nail off my baby ripped up the papers they were trying to change my mind and I would not hear of it no longer.. Matthew 18:18 I assure you that whatever you fasten on earth will be fastened in heaven. A Prayer for Healing Sick Family or Friends Lord Jesus, thank you that you love [ name of the person who needs healing ]. Give him aid as he matures to be a great leader of his future family, and give him the courage that he needs when it is time for him to guide his children. 10 Powerful Prayers for Living Lord, Your love has held me and kept me through this suffering. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but nothing will harm me. Learn how we can pray for cleansing physical, mental, and spiritual ailments with these healing prayers below. We have not been aware that a little over a week ago 5,000 people died from the flu and the government is not saying anything about that. 15 Prayers For Family Healing Bring healing and comfort to those who have fallen ill. May they be strengthened and brought back to full health. We are also grateful to You for giving us our loved ones. Does the Bible Mention What to Give Up for Lent? Prayers for Healing O' Holy One I come before you today in need of your healing hand. We ask that you bless us with peace and heal us from all of the pains we have faced as one family. Inspirational Prayer for Healthcare Workers. All rights reserved. May You be the comfort of our family members who are physically in pain right now. Guide us each day as we walk through life with our families, wherever each of us may be. We are worried and afraid and God is saying to us trust me. I surrender what I think our relationship should be. I come in agreement with all these prayers asking for your divine mercy and grace. Matthew 18:18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Grant to each of us an awareness of your presence, and give us perfect confidence in you. Grant us hope, strength and mercy in our time of need. You are utterly faithful, and you have never failed us. is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, I ask, in the name of Jesus, that you would heal this disease, that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness. Carry them high far above till they see I constantly pray this prayer, Lord, for I know that you are the only true God capable of doing unimaginable things. And I know you already hold my heart and life in your hands. More than ever I find myself in the hands of God.This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth. I tried to imagine her not walking again how her whole life would change never run and play at the parks, riding a bike and even if she grew to love sports she could never do them how could I keep telling my child no honey you cant do those things. For this Coronavirus,Lord Jesus,I really have no idea. For these, we pray in Jesus name. Help my son to discern better when it comes to friends, Lord Jesus. Guide me towards better health, and give me the wisdom to identify those you've placed around me to help me get better. If you use doctors to provide healing, give them wisdom to know what to do. ~ Tracie Miles. Carry them high far above till they see We ask for your healing and grace to cover every broken place. TO REVILE: criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner. WebFor all who have contracted coronavirus, We pray for care and healing. Prayer for the Coronavirus to Pray with Your Family Amen. Forgive us for trying to fix our situations all on our own. In Jesus mighty name I pray for my family and vaccinate us with the precious blood of Jesus.No corona virus or any deadly diseases shall come near our tents in Jesus name. How Is Harry Potter a Literary Christ Figure? Guide me along the path that You have planned for me. Amen. We ask You to heal the wounds in their hearts as well. Allow both care and loyalty to grow within the members of every family. Remove the spirit of fear and dread. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to us that we may express Your love to our families. You are my shield and defender. (1 Timothy 1:5) I forgive ______ for hurting me and forgive me for ______. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB: In everything give thanks; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. (Glemma Bartholomew).