If you never got the chance to see the Globetrotters back in the day, you really missed a treat. Paul shared the central reason for following some of the instruction he gave in verses 1-10 of the passage. We will be set free. Randall Smith Obituary (1959 - 2022) - Legacy Remembers Randy studied in Jerusalem & holds degrees in Near East Archaeology & a Doctorate in Comparative Religion from Conservative Theological Seminary. Lisa believes the celebration of the birth of Jesus has been terribly tainted with commercialism and overladen with ancient pagan practices like tree decorating and gift giving. We ask desperately for the healing of our child, but when its done no commitment to Him or His message remains. 5:1-12). Other formats: Paperback. We have become the most technologically advanced AND the most exhausted and easily bored generation of human beings ever on the planet. In the end, believers have to learn how to stay in our assigned lane of conscience while we offer great care to others around us. Am I supposed to turn off my mind and simply trust whatever I am told about God that cannot seem to be explained? Stop the gossip. He walked among men. We can gain important insights from the past, but hope is about a certain future. Is God really trustworthy in keeping His promises? INSULTED shows they were compassionate enough to be patient while unfairly taunted (11-12). Go back to the beginning of the text and review quickly, As a follower of Jesus, we accept that what is happening in the physical world is but a symptom of the spiritual world. Previously, Randall was a Pastor at Grace College. Hes ok!. Neighborhood Church exists to invite our neighbors to meet and follow Jesus. Idolatry: idolateria; shaping an ideal of value and bowing in allegiance to it. Dr. Randall Smith shows from Zechariah 11 that the God of the Bible is a loving God for sure. of Galilee and they were stunned, excited and full! The other part of the congregation came from what I term the pig eating pagan crowd of Gentiles. Can you see it? It was a public party, and the disciples clearly learned of all the background events according to their response in verse eleven. 9:31 We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and Many, if not most of the new flock were routinely set-aside to be the TAMIL, i.e. When we arrived in Dublin, we got a rental car. in John 9:14-16. 9 When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not knowwhere it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom, 10 and said to him, Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now. 11 This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. God wasnt creating anymore, but He wasnt completely passive either. His network is ALWAYS ON. Let me say it plainly, if you want to be a follower of Jesus, you wont be able to think like everyone else, and you will need to deliberately open yourself to allowing the Spirit of God to deal with your attitudes. randall smith sebring church - velocity.com.do His cousin John (cp. Paul answered with essentially one word: mutiny. hair dryer decided to take the morning off. If only God would show mercy, the family urged, they would completely recommit themselves and come to church every Sunday. Before long, the woman rationalized the entire incident. He will grow YOU as well. He is a white, non hispanic male registered to vote in Highlands County, Florida. The heavens proclaim organization, color, beauty and design. We have a lot to say when someone sins. 2 And His disciples asked Him, The man replied, Once that preacher got in the wagon those mules couldnt understand a word I said!. That is a distraction from the call to give to temporal rulers the temporary (but prized) bank balance. People dont recall each of the individuals, they think of them as one identity. Yet, what God wants to give them is so much more. could see the truth about who cared for him and who cared for their reputation. Jesus wasnt done. 11 czerwca 2022 . Look at the beginning of John 6 and watch Jesus train His first followers in this powerful lesson. Dr. Randy Smith (pictured), pastor of the Grace Brethren church in Sebring, Florida, lived and taught in Israel for a number of years and continues to lead educational tours to the Holy Land. He bogs regularly at The Wandering Shepherd. Did you notice the ending verse of our section sounds like Paul broke out in song again? in the story of Jesus. Drop down a few verses as we closeJesus said. It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles. It Honestly, I am still trying to figure out how someone put together the string of information that invented the first pasta! Romans 13:11 Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The title of our series exposes the simplest part of the idea: What Jesus did, but it doesnt offer the richness of the texture to what we are going to deep dive into. Their health is failing them. He wanted His followers to recognize the intent behind it. You dont know everything, and your judgmental spirit isnt helping to equip people. The shepherds were probably educated in keeping the animals from hurt, damage or blemish. The Expected Commitments of a True Disciple (6:1-7:12). Resisting authority and violating law, even in an imperfect and fallen world, should make us afraid. 16 Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Paul made note that the sunrise is coming soon, and that should change our sense of urgency about what we DO and our desire to be transformed to be more like Jesus. Director Steven Sebring and Patti Smith of "Patti Smith: Dream of Life" poses at the Sky 360 Delta Lounge during 2008 Sundance Film Festival on. Grace Church of Sebring: Randall D. Smith, Senior Pastor - Blogger These are seven miracles including: Changing water into wine at a wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11). The book, up to that point, seemed to feature many face to face encounters or even interviews with Jesus. After Jesus arrived quietly Do we even know the names of people who are demonstrating deep insecurities and needs BEFORE their public humiliation? This isnt a political seminar, so relax. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses; for whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel. The Law of God was His given standard, (5:17) but only when truly understood with His true intent (5:18-48). In the case of this path, the steep incline rose from Capernaum (a village that was in the Jordan Rift Valley north of the Sea of Galilee) up through the Arbel Pass to ancient Khirbet Cana. To walk up the path is no less arduous than can be traversed in an eight hour journey (plus or minus a few minutes). It is hiding in guilt and isolation from God, because you dont want to stop doing what you are doing. People of Faith are convinced there is only one path to walk upon. She helps out wherever she is needed, and does a phenomenal job putting together our fellowship times each week. Devon along with his wife Caroline are the directors of the program, overseeing day to day life, discipleship and supervising the whole GCBI experience. They will pull together their list, their tears, their pain and they will file into a church and wait for God to fix their problem. Additionally, we know that some (read: many) shepherds from that village were regularly assigned the task of keeping watch over the Temples flocks (described below). The unending blaring light of technology has fed constant adrenaline as a reaction to immediate boredom. Lets soberly evaluate for a moment: We live with changed expectations of social etiquette: We dont pull up in a drive through and expect a greeting from the server because he or she is busy speaking to the person behind us who is just giving their order. It is as though we have become the killer appWe dont do our emails; our email does US. (5:24). The hardest part of the driving were the one hundred and fifty roundabouts (or circles), because the driver must access them in the opposite direction from what we do here. The event appeared to be after some initial outreaches among the Samaritans (John 4) and the Galilee long distance healing (John 4:46ff) if the events were intended to be in order. He said: I am seeking one who is: Look at the word POOR and read: bankrupt in their own spirit, and not self-dependent (3), What should a healthy walk with Jesus look like in practical and daily lifestyle? 22 The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. At the same time, I want every person who has faced false and stinging words employed to harm their reputation to remember, God said not to bear false witness, and those who speak lies will also stand before the Judge of truth. 54 This is again a second sign that Jesus performed when He had come out of Judea into Galilee. Constant hunger for connection has left a stress fracture. its king (Id say His popularity was in an upward curve!). Scholars debate whether the reference of Migdal Eder the Tower of the Flock' referred to a specific tower in the area (not archaeologically identified but widely thought to have existed) or a more common feature of the landscape of the Judean wilderness near to Bethlehem (a common watchtower, the foundations of many of which still exist in the area). At the heart of the issue are accusations from decades past, and deep concerns of many who, in unrelated personal stories, have sadly faced criminal abuse in their lives that was not resolved justly. the Son of Man? 36 He answered, Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him? Watching our livestream helps you stay connected and encouraged. (John 5:13-14). He wants them to encounter the powerful transformation of Jesus Word. Romans 4-5). Conversely, the other use of kataluma in the Gospels is in Luke 22:11 (and its parallel in Mark 14:14) where it clearly does not mean an inn. He said: Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? Most often in the New Testament, lust of the flesh is a description of an implanted hunger the enemy uses to draw us into fulfilling our felt needs without God. coming when no one can work. There is a tendency in many of us as we mature to believe we have been placed in the lives of others as Gods interpreter of Law. John 6:10 Jesus said, Have the people sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. Authorities were designed, in some ways, to help deter wrong action. I dont really understand how my microwave works. I have walked the path between these villages, and though neither is a living town today, the ruins can be identified and still mark the places. f you have been paying close attention to the habits of people in our time, you know that most of us spend much more time conversing electronically than we do face to face. But after only two months, its power dimmed to nothing. All attention left the man as the leaders went after Jesus. Then to his amazement, God healed hercompletely. It includes separating ourselves from pandering to our physical wants and desires apart from an intimate walk with Jesus. They can unmask our true vulnerability. nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Theological Incoherence: Religious leaders were vastly separated into different faith groups, and they didnt really attempt to venture out of their little kingdoms and encounter one another. Dissensions: dikhosetia; someone who forces a wedge between people to divide them. He wants to change what comes out of the faucet, not merely stop its leak. At our core, we are to learn that getting there together is more important than getting there first. Even when my mortal body gives way, it will be swallowed She was amazed at first that God could and would act on her behalf. Clearly, Bethlehem is a village associated with the care of Temple lambs. Paul personalized this: Romans 14:14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but to him who thinks anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. We can't thank Randall D. Smith and Dottie Smith enough for how they have served and led this congregation. have cared were moved by the mans new eyes. We are flawed; standing beside the One Who is perfect. made some mud, and put it in the mans eyes. If only God would show mercy, the family urged, they would completely recommit themselves and come to church every Sunday. Together (along with their 2 year old daughter, Norah) they walk through the year-long experience with the students, with a front-row seat to watch God change lives as the students simply take Gods Word seriously. The effect of that fact is we tend to see the physical life as more important, and dare I say it, more real. Subjecting ourselves will most often put us in a place of peace and not fear. Each has a strong view about what they do. It wasnt just a set of memorized rules the Law provided a mindset, an understanding of the bigger things God cares about. Signup and we will send our latest news and promotions and much more, Follow us on social media for the latest on news and events, In the steps of Paul The Italy & Greece series, John and the 7 Churches of Revelation -Turkey, In the steps of Jesus The Israel Series, Dr Randall Smith The Seven Churches Part 1 Ephesus, Dr Randall Smith Pauls Passion Renewed A Visit to Corinth, Dr Randall Smith Pauls Encounter with the Areopagites Provoked by Anger, Dr Randall Smith The Middle East Conflict Q & A on the Israel Gaza Conflict, Dr Randall Smith Paul, His Life & His Writings, Session 1-6 Combo Set, Dr Randall Smith Paul, His Life & His Writings, Session 1: The Man & His Mission, Dr Randall Smith Jesus on Jesus Part 2, Dr Randall Smith Jesus on Jesus Part 1, Dr Randall Smith 7 Days that Changed the World The Passion Week Part 4, Dr Randall Smith 7 Days that Changed the World The Passion Week Part 3, Dr Randall Smith 7 Days that Changed the World The Passion Week Part 2, Dr Randall Smith 7 Days that Changed the World The Passion Week Part 1, Dr Randall Smith Jesus In A Rich Mans House Invited and Uninvited Guests, Dr Randall Smith The Wilderness Tabernacle Broadcast edition, Dr Randall Smith Paul, His Life & His Writings, Session 2: 7 Basic Calls to a Believer, Dr Randall Smith The Ancient City of Dan Jeroboams Golden Calf, Dr Randall Smith They Thought You Knew The Biblical Way of Looking at Things. It is found near the end of the chapter. They needed to trust His power and sufficiency, especially in areas where they normally felt perfectly capable and sufficient. Mary Elizabeth Smith, age 75, of Sebring, Florida passed away on January 31, 2023 in Sebring, Florida. That is as close to farming as I have ever come. Romans 6-8). He even hints that God gives unity that leads to the blended sound of harmonious praise. If God is peaceful, then why do wars happen? He included sayings about: Murder Evidence in the narrative for this may exist in the idea of how directly the shepherds found the baby (as though they knew the place the angels indicated). and said, We know that this is our son, they stood in truth beside their son. There is searching on the part of young people for fun, but little real happiness. There have always been believers who defined spirituality by what they DONT do, rather than intimacy with Jesus. The test was to see if the disciples could grasp that with Jesus, every need could be met. At the same time, this account is often quoted in an historical way to show the old custom. Now the man could see. have immediate relief from trouble at any cost. , but rather making the point that we cannot and must not pander to the fallen urges that he summarized by the word lusts. Lust, in this context, is a strong desire once imbedded into us by God, but torqued through the Fall. Failure to respond in kind comes with severe social consequences. The central issue isnt about who is right at all. When we take from another the things that are justly theirs, we remove from them the fruit of their labors, and we show ourselves discontented with what God has placed rightfully in our hands. The other day I was driving and I wanted to make a left on Thunderbird Road coming from The Home Depot. John 5:14). The number of lambs needed each year depended upon the length of that year. When they DID exactly what He asked, He took what they had and made it more than they ever could! 9:18-21 that record what happened when the parents of the man were brought in Or maybe they have broken relationships that they want God to mend. This is the sadness of living in a world of relative values presented by the teachers of situational ethics. They ask, Is the man really wrong for stealing if he and his family are starving? The problem with implying that wrong isnt wrong in these circumstances is it leaves out the power of God! I have repeated to youwhat Isaiah foretold about the sign which foreshadowed the Cave. Buy DVD. God wants to tear the plumbing out entirely and deal with the well from which the water flows. When I walk by faith, I walk in the light of His Word and see the world as He proclaims it to be. I can help them with their obstacle. Now, let me ask you, how does one make NO PROVISION for the flesh in regard to its lusts and walk through a buffet line? year: When Dickens finished his work called A Christmas Carol, he left us with the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a man in desperate need of change. Jesus saw the plot and 12 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. When Jesus encountered the man, He asked the man if he was ready to surrender yet. Most of what happens in life is well beyond my comprehension. While we should be open about why we concluded from the Word that participation is wrong for our family, we must also teach our children the principles of GRACE. Men and women can blast other men and women to the moon or up to a space station. ITALY: May14-24, 2024 with Pastor Chris Manginelli of Mill Creek (WA) Foursquare (Program #240502, Taught by Dr. Smith). Sometimes LACK is the device God gives us to test us, so He can fulfill that sense for us. They seem excellent sources for early thinking about the Gospel and sharing it, but not great sources for detailed historical analysis of the original events. 10 So the Jews were saying to the man who was cured, It is the Sabbath, and it is not permissible for you to carry your pallet. 11 But he answered them, He who made me well was the one who said to me, Pick up your pallet and walk. 12 They asked him, Who is the man who said to you, Pick up your pallet and walk? 13 But the man who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had slipped away while there was a crowd in that place.14 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, Behold, you have become well; do not sin anymore, so that nothing worse happens to you. 15 The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. And after that, attendance was sporadic until they dropped into their previous pattern. isnt hard to feel sometimes like life is doing us rather than the more The end of the text calls for us to deliberately change our appearance. It opened with notes about The Setting (John 5:1-7). their worthiness, they routinely taught. They werent sure what the Emperor would tweet next. 5 Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. He wasnt disgusted with this life. Raising up the dead body of His friend Lazarus at Bethany in Judea (John 11:1-45). Jesus cousin, John, did at Jesus baptism and five men decided to follow Jesus. He kept it up until a hunter tracked the sound and shot him The moral of that story: When youre full of bull, keep your mouth shut. Some believe that the ethical commands of the Bible are license to do become the judge of everyone around them. Consider the fact that a Brazilian farmer, right now as we are seated in this room, may be burning a field and clearing Amazon rain forest land of the last of a plant that would cure cancer but he doesnt know that. The village name is clearly part of Luke 2:4 and meant house of Bread (though the name was probably originally derived from a Canaanite unrelated meaning before). His wife Caroline is an art and lifestyle photographer with her own thriving business, along with being involved as a mentor and leader of young women. We will take more time here, but dont miss the key points. Add to that, many of the followers of the God of Abraham could be found to living quite differently than the ideals they taught. We wouldnt attend the event, but we wouldnt quietly condemn them in our hearts as less than obedient and whisper gossip about them to each other. Since wedding feasts were often seven day events, John may have recalled that Jesus and the disciples (who were in fact invited) didnt get there until the end of the week long feast. I keep picturing in my head a musical praise interlude. All of those details were carefully included in the narrative to evoke a richer story for the early Jewish follower of Jesus and provide detail to the fulfillment of prophetic prophecy. In a short time, she began to connect people and listened to those who were alone, getting them a buddy. In a few short years, she grew her ministry to over 12,000 people. We face the grave with our These opening words are called the Beatitudes. The setting was a hillside on the north of the Sea of Galilee, where Matthew noted: Matthew 5:1 When Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain; and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. The point is, the wine seemed to be a sufficient amount until additional people showed up. None of them oppose any verse of Scripture openly to the best of their knowledge. "Matt is a real find. 1 Thessalonians 5:14). Example is always a strong motivation for doing the right thing in life. They will either get used to walking without the knowledge of what pleases Him, or they will fill in the blanks with things they care about and make it sound like Jesus had the same cares. I cant put on Jesus until I peel off self. Man arrested after bringing meth to Gage County Courthouse, sheriff's That isnt being judgy; it is leading in a given setting. that brought fear to His disciples (John 6:16-21). Lambs could also be used for burnt offerings (Oleh dedicatory offerings). well as to bond people together in holy matrimony. Do not destroy with your food him for whom Christ died. Allow God to convict you about things others are allowed to do but YOU arent. That puts the act in a different That is what we need to talk about. He said: Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We assume John cut off the unnecessary parts of the interaction, but it is interesting he included Jesus objection. If we took the time to read Paul description in detail of the works of the flesh that he wrote not long after, it would sound like this: Galatians 5:19 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, 20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, 21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet, remember our key truth. Randall D. Smith See Photos Teacher at Great Commission Bible Institute Lives in Sebring, Florida Randall D. Smith See Photos Randall D Smith See Photos Randall D. Smith See Photos Randall Smith See Photos Lives in Marietta, Georgia Randall D. Smith See Photos Lives in Indianapolis, Indiana Randall Smith See Photos Profile @Pea1ne Randall Smith The text of the story revealed that God KNEW man was alone, so He commanded him to name all the animals. At the risk of sounding obvious, let me caution you about requesting perseverance from God. They Youre being silly! some will protest. When Jim opened the door, his face went into shock. What was their conclusion? Look closely at the verse. 3 When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus *said to Him, They have no wine. 4 And Jesus *said to her, Woman, what does that have to do with us? God wants to tear the plumbing out entirely and deal with the well from which the water flows. Jesus could claim to heal him, but the man wouldnt be able to immediately check. In order to understand how people use our site generally, and to create more valuable experiences for you, we may collect data about your use of this site (both directly and through our partners). There is an old story about how a mountain lion felt so good after eating an entire bull, he started roaring. Unfortunately I was locked out of my house. And it seems plain as a matter of history that He taught His followers that the new life was communicated in this way. I take it the list of people to corroborate the events, then, was at least ten people, perhaps more. Read More. His neighbors in John 9:8-9 This man wasnt violating the Sabbath. 20 Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. We have the story of a fulfilled promise, a miraculous birth, powerful dignitary visitors and brutal political reaction. Jesus didnt pull the crowd in and offer EXPLANATION of why the steward could not have known His boys would arrive late. the crowds. This isnt poetry; its a Scripture idea. Though Capernaum means village of comfort, in this story the man was nothing close to comfortable. I dont smoke them and I dont like them. -03-2022, 0 Comments Envying: fthonos; someone who plots anothers downfall out of jealousy. the morning sacrifices which began each day. Later in the passage He said of the crowd: John 6:26 Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Contact. That is our subject for this lesson, What Jesus Did. In John 4, we are going to encounter a man who modeled belief because he trusted the word of Jesus so fully that he rested when others would have run. If they determine a certain length of dress is too short for those leading worship, they are to be heard because they were charged with leadership in that area. Jesus wasnt unaware the people really didnt grasp Who stood before them. Then he kept the glass brightly polished, and carefully hung it at the approach of dusk. Lets Jordan Randall Smith - Wikipedia 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. He exchanged SEEING for what Jesus TOLD HIM Your son is alive and well. He rested in that promise overnight. In the early part of the ministry, He was in Nazareth, went to Johns preaching by the Jordan, made His way to Jerusalem for a time, and then began to announce His ministry throughout the towns of the Galilee region.