disney california food and wine festival 2021; This is what Khazarian-driven bolshevism looks like in Democrat-controlled big cities. Former Russian President warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine, You have to really wonder whats going on behind the scenes of THE GREAT TANK STANDOFF, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: IN HIS OWN WORDS! THE AMERICAN DOCTOR: Nothing but a glorified pharmaceutical salesmanand extremely dangerous one at that! Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian information news company, according to Britannica. It would also make them filthy rich. And no one is talking about it, U.S. http://theconspiracyzone.podcastpeople.com/posts/48020, https://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/the-rothchilds/. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has dwindled. *ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central TurkeyWhodunit & Why? Cecil Rhodes and George Soros are two of many Rothschild agents. The alarmingly woke, ultra-liberal German FM is on her way out after recklessly declaring war on Russia for the EU. When he died on September 19, 1812, the founder of the House of Rothschild left a will that was just days old. [1] [2] It employs around 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. Instead of paying the Hessian solders with the 3 million dollars that was left to him by Wilhelm, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip. Dr. Ryan Cole under serious attack by the Washington Medical Board for Covid truth telling. Everything points to the BIG ONE in Californiaa truly apocalyptic series of mega-earthquakes!!! In the late 18th century and early 19th century, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) rose to become one of Europe's most powerful bankers in the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel in the Holy Roman Empire. [2] The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism . +91-7207507350 Is the Criminalization of Heterosexuality on the Agenda or Just the Denial of Equal Rights? Show all. It was shared alongside a photo of Jacob Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild family and founder of RIT Capital Partners plc. Reuters owns the AP and the Rothschilds own Reuters. Heres how the Regime of International Terrorism is run in one graphic. This is what stealthy grand larceny from stupid investors looks like! Rothschild owns Reuters News Service, which bought the Associated Press. Among them ATNT, ITT, General Electric, General Motors and Du Pont. Journalists detained over extremely embarrassing leak for president (Video). Does this mark the end for the ever-slippery Biden Crime Family? A Real Shot Texas AG Sues To Stop $1.7 Trillion Bill Implementation On Constitutional Quorum Grounds, REVEALED: Nikki Haley Is One of Globalist World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwabs Young Global Leaders, Now China and Germany Join Russia and Demand an Investigation Into Bidens Connections with Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage, Klaus Schwab Calls For Global Government To Master AI Technologies (video), Really, how the f*ck did these Stanford faculty members get so rich as to guarantee that size of a bail?, A Romanian Senator Says What No Other Elected Representative Has Said Before In Public (Videos), Clotshots have HUGE consequences! who owns reuters rothschild Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel. Listen to this no-nonsense truth-speaker expose the entire globalist EV fraud (Video), BIG NEWS: CDC, FDA Flag Early Signal of Stroke Risk With Bivalent COVID Vaccine, NWO Geoengineers Freezing Siberia With Withering Weather Warfare, Really, CDC says its investigating possible link between Pfizers Covid booster and strokes among seniors over age of 65. Senator Rubio Sends Letter to Pfizer CEO After Project Veritas Explosive Undercover Video Reveals Company Mutating Covid Virus For Profits, BREAKING: Hunter Biden Was Receiving Classified State Department Briefings on Regular Basis Used to Promote Biden Family Business. GASLIGHTING: Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it, Antifa Militant Killed After Allegedly Shooting And Wounding State Policeman Just Outside The Police Training Facility Near Atlanta (VIDEO), Another Biden Disaster: Saudi Arabia Announces Readiness to Trade in Currencies Other than US Dollar Another Blow to US Economy, Former Marine One Helicopter Crew Member for President Bush and Disabled Veteran Gets One Year in Prison for Walking Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6. Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian information news company, according to Britannica. Khazarian-controlled federal courts dismissing legitimate gender dysphoria and trangenderism lawsuits brought by parents after laws clearly broken. By Reuters Staff 4 Min Read The false claim that a testing method for COVID-19 was patented by Richard Rothschild in 2015 and 2017 has been shared online. I Cant Breathe Criminal Negligence by Knoxville Tennessee Police Kills an Elderly White Woman (wheres the MSM outcry?). GENERAL ELECTRIC (donated 1.1 million to GW Bush for his 2000 election campaign) The government knowingly authorized the ruination of millions of womens bodies with these Covid injection. Charles T. Russell, in a 1891 letter to Baron (Lord) Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Turkey Halts Operations At Ceyhan Oil Terminal After Massive Earthquake, The GREAT 2023 SPY BALLOON PSYOP explained! Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, 8. On the contrary, Mayer stashed a big supply of gold, precious coins and jewels in special hiding places inside his house. ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. Their story begins in 18th century Frankfurt Germany, on a cobblestone street called Frankfurt on the Main. who owns reuters rothschild In it, he laid down specific laws by which the House that bore his name would operate in future years. Dozens Of WikiLeaks Cables Show US Knew NATO Expansion Was Russias Bright Red Line, HUGE! Or was this energy weapon attack on American diplomats and intel officers carried out by MI6 and/or MOSSAD?! And with a mainstream scientific research paper published by the National Library of Medicine, WATCH!!! Bush, J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild. If Biden was behind this act of war, Biden should be impeached. Florida bill would require bloggers who write about governor to register with the state, Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells, Poilievre exposed as fraud after Christine Andersons Canadian visit, Oh, really, an MSM homosexual presstitute who is married to a man asks Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff about Toxic Masculinity?!?! With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. Whenever a POTUS gets press like this, his days are very short. Together they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe. ___ Chemical Weaponry Destined For Ukraine Ignited In East Palestine Train Wreck, The 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse Have Been Set Loose Upon the World, Covid Vax-Triggered Mass Shootings Difficult to Distinguish from Gladio-Style False Flag Terrorist Attacks, Sen. Rand Paul Grills Johns Hopkins School Of Nursing Head On Student Covid Vaccine Mandate. "All 6 get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. (Video), Khazarian-Memed Medical Coincidences Now Worlds Leading Cause of Death (Video), Secret rule change will see House lawmakers get a $34,000 PAY BUMP Republicans slam Democrats for clandestine move that should have been debated in public. A screenshot of the misleading Facebook post, taken on May 5, 2022. https://mediachecker.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/the-rothchilds/, Worldwide COVID Litigation Lawyer Directory Linked Below. Google Calls in Help From Larry Page and Sergey Brin for A.I. DOMESTIC FLIGHT DEPARTURES HALTED, A Truly Terrible American Tragedy Is About To Unfold. (Video), REALLY?! 7th Dead Whale Washes Up Near Planned Green Energy Hotspot Are Offshore Wind Projects Killing Them? Also I forbid any legal action and any publication of the value of the inheritance . The agencys 2021 Annual Report stated its principal shareholder is Woodbridge Company Limited, which owns 67 percent of the companys shares. The patent for a system that analyses. LIGHTFOOTgate: Shamelessly corrupt Chicago mayor brazenly flaunts her serial criminalityLGBTQIA cultural marxists really do believe theyre untouchable. India will buy oil from wherever is beneficial Energy Minister, Former high ranking UN official comes clean: Oligarchs own the United Nations (Video), TRANSURRECTION! Reuters and the Associated Press | 100777.com Imported from India, just a few chests at first, and then thousands. Some folks got much more than just a dangerous and deadly Covid vaccine. Biographer Frederic Morton, in The Rothschilds, tells us that Mayer Amschel Rothschild and his five sons were wizards of finance, and fiendish calculators who were motivated by a demonic drive to succeed in their secret undertakings. CALCULATED COVID VAX COVER-UP: Damar Hamlin Refuses to Disclose the Official Reason Doctors Gave Him for His Heart Stopping: Thats Something I Want to Stay Away From (VIDEO), Former DNI and Liar James Clapper Says He Never Called Hunters Laptop Russian Disinformation. 0. who owns reuters rothschild. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke. Rothschild caused a selling panic in the London bond consul market intimating to investors that England lost to Napoleon. . Lazar Brothers of Paris, 6. British MSM already blaming Brazils massive protest of Lulus naked election theft on, you said itAmerican Trumpsters! After the war, Opium poured into China on an even greater scale and her Emperors were powerless to stop it. Truck with hazardous chemicals crashes in US, DIVERSITY CORPORATE COMPLEX: Coming to a corporation to youVERY SOON, if its not already there, This is an unmitigated disaster! (Video), GOTCHA! Mother WEFFER and Closet Communist Justin Trudeau humiliated EU Parliament by three anti-dictator MEPs (Video), Whistleblower Video Confirms Chicago Housing Authority is Leaving Homeless Americans on the Streets in Favor of Illegal Aliens, World Economic Forum Panelist Boasts the Globalists Are Working on Tracking Where You Shop, What You Eat, Where You Travel and How You Travel (VIDEO), HARD PROOF that Zelenskys Zio-Nazi regime was installed by the.